Monday, March 8, 2010

How to Please a Woman

How to Please a Woman
By []Chris Walez

Pleasing a woman is based on several factors which everyone should master. People often attempt to have a very special woman in their lives but after getting her they do not get how to keep her interested in them. You can approach women and talk to them but when it comes to satisfying them or keeping interested, this is where most men fail.

But good news is this - It indeed is not that hard.

Keeping any woman interested in you requires multiple things to master. You can get romantic tips, openers, approaching ideas from everywhere but when it comes to pleasing a woman for long term or even entire life, you need to be and do different.

There are two initial points on which you should focus on.


These both factors are the necessity of healthy relationship. You need to maintain these both things for your life in order to become a greatest lover and greatest man. Let's talk about each of them one by one.


How to please women? Many people think about it and search about this to get a satisfy answer but they do terrible mistake by being romantic.

When it comes to attracting a woman or keeping the attraction in your relationship you need to change yourself first. So, the first thing you have to do is to change your self. Here are the few basic points you need to focus on.

Master your body language. (Watch superstars and wrestlers)
Master two things.

Actions and Expressions of Superstars
Walking and Calm movements of wrestlers... Specially master the depth of wrestlers' voice.

Never give the gift or romance with your woman till then she makes herself deserve for it. Romance with your woman when she is not expecting it. Like, give her flowers some day, bring candy for her, make coffee or tea for your woman when you think she really needs it. But again, do it when you think she deserves it. Be a man. Do not flop at this point by being a nice boy. BE A MAN while romancing with your woman.

Adopt the qualities and acts of successful man. Your woman/girl/wife will love you for it for all her life.


Lets keep this fairly simple.

1. "Carry yourself in a confident successful manner with positive attitude and ambiance".

2. "Maximize the power of your expressions and touch her in friendly way during interaction".

If you apply these two points in your life then your woman and every other female will see you as sexually active man and try to chase you.

Yours these attitudes show that you are a lion of this jungle and a MAN every girl dream about. So kill your boyish attitude and be a Man by following these few guidelines.

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Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you by []Clicking Here.

Article Source: [] How to Please a Woman

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