Attractive Character - How to Be a More Super Attractive Man
By []Chris Walez
Centuries have passed but millions of men not dominated the attractive character yet. What is even more amazing is that during all this time, many attractive looking men lost their manly traits and lining up to win women heart.
Any man can attract a wonderful woman... a trust worthy woman. Most of the time that woman may also be so beautiful. These days, that woman is likely to be educated, have a great job, a creative thinker, independent, determined and successful. In addition, that woman has several options on everything from if she chooses to marry or not, where she wants to travel, where she want to live, who her friends will be, which activities she will take part in, who will be in her friends list, her clothing, her jewelry and the man she allows into her personal life, plus much more.
On the other hand, these days men willing to let the women dominate them and treat them as crap also because they are getting sex out of the deal, if they are luck enough.
When a cool attractive person meets a woman he suddenly lefts go out drinking, picks her car from shop and etc. It is not the fact she needs him to do things for her, it is the fact that man gives up any sense of what his life was in order to please her.
The critical situation that comes from this thing is that the person not only loses the attractive character of him, but also the respect of the woman he is with. The very person he tries hardest to please begin to resent him and take him for granted.
This is why, "Having Rules And Standards Are Important".
It comes down to a matter of "ATTRACTIVE CHARACTER".
People who have no code, no rules by which they live their lives, no standards by which they hold their personalities strongly, are weak and poor people. They look for others to give them an identity to give them a purpose.
Having rules and standards allows you to define who you are and stand on your own feet. People, who know what they are, gain respect from others because these rules and standards maintain attractive character of you for long term.
"Your job as a man is to lead the woman to the emotional states you want to share with her".
This is a big deal and a big difference in how guys understand their own power and leadership within the context of a relationship.
Now you can learn new blissful in-depth secrets about "Romantic Authority" and can stay "Sexually Attractive Character" with these: []Fantastic Sexual Guides.
There is a time to be sweet and caring and loving with a woman so that you can forge a strong connection and get to real intimacy.
If you spend a little energy on creating the attractive character and right power dynamic within the relationship, you will never have a problem in first place. When you literally feel this kind of attraction and confidence around women, you not even have to work at getting them; Women will be the ones trying to get you.
Article Source: [] Attractive Character - How to Be a More Super Attractive Man
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Develop Sexual Attractive Traits - Learn the Psychology of Women
Develop Sexual Attractive Traits - Learn the Psychology of Women
By []Chris Walez
Millions of people do worst things around women and one of the worst things they do is restrain their personality. First you have to learn the psychology of women in order to create attractive personality because if a man wants to go for a woman that has worked hard to develop successful lifestyle for her then you better develop sexual attractive traits in your personality.
If you pay attention to the weak boyish men in electronic media, they made you believe that you should walk and act needy around women, never say anything incorrect or argue, and always let her lead in the interaction. Because of this, you also seen that girlish men in media have no women in their lives, or have women who have no respect for them.
If you learn the psychology of women in depth and develop sexual attractive traits in your personality then you can create super attraction with women.
Here is the thing... "Women want a man who can keep up with her, who can challenge her, an independent, assertive, confident, sexually attractive, secure... and everything that makes a man exciting fun and mysterious".
Women are attracted to men who can offer happiness, fun and stability with some excitement and sexual mystery. A woman is far more attracted to a smiling, joking, naughty guy who is passionate, opinionated, has a little cockiness, and can provide adventure while still being stable than a whining, groaning, complaining and boring guy. A lot of men seem to understand this concept but very few truly project these attractive qualities and do the things that make them the most attractive as possible to women or for that one special woman.
Also, to women, the ability to get in control is usually just as attractive as already being in control. When a man takes strategic steps and measures to take charge and get where his needs to be - he shows leadership ability, authority and control over his surroundings and outcomes.
Several men settle for incredible enough when it comes to their sexual attractive traits and life overall - and they never advance from that. In a relationship or marriage this causes the attraction to face, the romance dies. To keep that romance alive, and develop sexual attractive traits... you have to truly enjoy your life and you have to make certain that the special woman in your life is truly enjoying her life wonderfully as well.
If you are committed to changing what does not work, if you really, truly want to have the feeling of a supremely confident ladies man and carry that with you wherever you go, then you definitely need to check out this course: []Fantastic Seduction Guides.
Now you can develop sexual attractive traits by learning the psychology of women.
Article Source: [] Develop Sexual Attractive Traits - Learn the Psychology of Women
By []Chris Walez
Millions of people do worst things around women and one of the worst things they do is restrain their personality. First you have to learn the psychology of women in order to create attractive personality because if a man wants to go for a woman that has worked hard to develop successful lifestyle for her then you better develop sexual attractive traits in your personality.
If you pay attention to the weak boyish men in electronic media, they made you believe that you should walk and act needy around women, never say anything incorrect or argue, and always let her lead in the interaction. Because of this, you also seen that girlish men in media have no women in their lives, or have women who have no respect for them.
If you learn the psychology of women in depth and develop sexual attractive traits in your personality then you can create super attraction with women.
Here is the thing... "Women want a man who can keep up with her, who can challenge her, an independent, assertive, confident, sexually attractive, secure... and everything that makes a man exciting fun and mysterious".
Women are attracted to men who can offer happiness, fun and stability with some excitement and sexual mystery. A woman is far more attracted to a smiling, joking, naughty guy who is passionate, opinionated, has a little cockiness, and can provide adventure while still being stable than a whining, groaning, complaining and boring guy. A lot of men seem to understand this concept but very few truly project these attractive qualities and do the things that make them the most attractive as possible to women or for that one special woman.
Also, to women, the ability to get in control is usually just as attractive as already being in control. When a man takes strategic steps and measures to take charge and get where his needs to be - he shows leadership ability, authority and control over his surroundings and outcomes.
Several men settle for incredible enough when it comes to their sexual attractive traits and life overall - and they never advance from that. In a relationship or marriage this causes the attraction to face, the romance dies. To keep that romance alive, and develop sexual attractive traits... you have to truly enjoy your life and you have to make certain that the special woman in your life is truly enjoying her life wonderfully as well.
If you are committed to changing what does not work, if you really, truly want to have the feeling of a supremely confident ladies man and carry that with you wherever you go, then you definitely need to check out this course: []Fantastic Seduction Guides.
Now you can develop sexual attractive traits by learning the psychology of women.
Article Source: [] Develop Sexual Attractive Traits - Learn the Psychology of Women
Long Term Relationship - Stay Attractive in a Long Term Relationship
Long Term Relationship - Stay Attractive in a Long Term Relationship
By []Chris Walez
People all over the world have allowed themselves to believe that they are not creating enough attraction in order to have successful long term relationship. And even if they do trust their inner game that they can develop attraction, for some reason they are under the impression that their mates will not like them back.
Millions of time people say the same mantra... "I Can Not Stay Attractive In A Long Term Relationship".
But wait... before you say the same mantra, let me assure you, there are certain things you can do make yourself sexually attractive in relationship.
In a long term relationship, Have you ever noticed that too often, people willing to go against what they imagine, feel and believe because there is a woman available to them. Men are aware that what they are doing is going to turn out badly, but they do it because they want to be with a girl somehow. By the same token, in a long term relationship, several men voluntarily let their partners, they are with, walk all over them and treat them like dirt because they are having sex out of the deal (if they are really lucky enough).
But now you can learn to stay attractive because you can dominate the romantic authority in your relationship by adopting successful traits.
Men who spend all their time partying and playing are, in the end, not very attractive to women. Fun in the moment, yes, but the moment soon passes and the party soon ends. What is left is a pretty unattractive man.
Women/Wives are attracted to men who can provide financial and emotional security and the person/husband who spends parts of his life working and achieving passionate goals in his life. The party boy provides neither, nor does he have any real personal authority. His life is out of control and crap, while the man who seeks to achieve is in complete control and have high sexual values.
One biggest thing that keeps the man sexually attractive in a long term relationship is INTIMACY in romance, lovemaking and relationship. An intimacy in relationship makes the man successful and does well in relationship. You can not get better with women/wife or stay attractive in a long term relationship without improving your sexual knowledge.
If you will give her intense earth-shattering orgasms then you can stay sexually attractive in a long term relationship and she will chase you entire her life.
Now you can learn new fantastic in-depth secrets about "Romantic Authority" and can "Stay Sexually Attractive" in a long term relationship with these: []Fantastic Sexual Guides.
Article Source: [] Long Term Relationship - Stay Attractive in a Long Term Relationship
By []Chris Walez
People all over the world have allowed themselves to believe that they are not creating enough attraction in order to have successful long term relationship. And even if they do trust their inner game that they can develop attraction, for some reason they are under the impression that their mates will not like them back.
Millions of time people say the same mantra... "I Can Not Stay Attractive In A Long Term Relationship".
But wait... before you say the same mantra, let me assure you, there are certain things you can do make yourself sexually attractive in relationship.
In a long term relationship, Have you ever noticed that too often, people willing to go against what they imagine, feel and believe because there is a woman available to them. Men are aware that what they are doing is going to turn out badly, but they do it because they want to be with a girl somehow. By the same token, in a long term relationship, several men voluntarily let their partners, they are with, walk all over them and treat them like dirt because they are having sex out of the deal (if they are really lucky enough).
But now you can learn to stay attractive because you can dominate the romantic authority in your relationship by adopting successful traits.
Men who spend all their time partying and playing are, in the end, not very attractive to women. Fun in the moment, yes, but the moment soon passes and the party soon ends. What is left is a pretty unattractive man.
Women/Wives are attracted to men who can provide financial and emotional security and the person/husband who spends parts of his life working and achieving passionate goals in his life. The party boy provides neither, nor does he have any real personal authority. His life is out of control and crap, while the man who seeks to achieve is in complete control and have high sexual values.
One biggest thing that keeps the man sexually attractive in a long term relationship is INTIMACY in romance, lovemaking and relationship. An intimacy in relationship makes the man successful and does well in relationship. You can not get better with women/wife or stay attractive in a long term relationship without improving your sexual knowledge.
If you will give her intense earth-shattering orgasms then you can stay sexually attractive in a long term relationship and she will chase you entire her life.
Now you can learn new fantastic in-depth secrets about "Romantic Authority" and can "Stay Sexually Attractive" in a long term relationship with these: []Fantastic Sexual Guides.
Article Source: [] Long Term Relationship - Stay Attractive in a Long Term Relationship
Charge Your Sexuality and Be Sexually Attractive
Charge Your Sexuality and Be Sexually Attractive
By []Chris Walez
If you are a man that is not in charge of his sexuality, have no desire of intimacy and romance then you can be sexually attractive by polishing your skills and personality. By charging your sexuality, you can build lasting romance, passion, an emotional bond, trust, wonderment and mystery forever with women.
Women focus on the personality traits. On the other hand men prefer physical traits.
It is very important for women to know that you are sexual, you are alive and you are a MAN. All of your teasing and mystery should demonstrate this. Always remember, women turn off by a man that appears too feminine, too sweet, non sexual, shy, lifeless or boring.
You have to present yourself as manly, sexual creature. This should be the part of your mystery and personality.
According to women, the things that make guy sexually attractive are:
1. Confidence.
2. Vocal Tone.
3. Relaxed Personality.
4. Perfect Body Language.
5. Decisiveness.
6. Passion.
If you turn on these six bullet points in your life then you can be sexually attractive and make women chase you entire life. But, here is one hidden secret behind sexual attraction... "GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR".
Sense of humor is like a charm that makes you sexually attractive, interesting and fun loving person. Women rather have sexy with an ugly guy that makes them laugh than with an attractive guy with no personality. Those above six points, combine with sense of humor, are like magic that charge your sexuality.
Sexual confidence shows you what you really are and expressing your sexual personality projects your own unique style.
The thing you need to remember always is that, Sexual attraction does not work the same way for females as it does for males. Women do not turn on like men because they get aroused when they interact with men that have manly qualities, passion and successful manly traits. They are not as physical creatures as men.
Presenting that you are confident manly sexual creature does not mean acting like you is an out of control wild animal (though sometimes women also love wild love making). Make sure you avoid these two mistakes.
1. Acting too passive, much shy and non sexual on a date.
2. Going overboard and being too physical aggressive and overly sexual.
You just have to maintain balance in your traits... so as you master the "sexually attractive traits" I taught you about, remember that you are in control of the volume and you have to decide when to turn it up and when to turn it down.
Now learn new fantastic secrets about "charging your sexuality" and be "be sexually attractive", women dream of, with these: []Fantastic Sexual Guides.
Article Source: [] Charge Your Sexuality and Be Sexually Attractive
By []Chris Walez
If you are a man that is not in charge of his sexuality, have no desire of intimacy and romance then you can be sexually attractive by polishing your skills and personality. By charging your sexuality, you can build lasting romance, passion, an emotional bond, trust, wonderment and mystery forever with women.
Women focus on the personality traits. On the other hand men prefer physical traits.
It is very important for women to know that you are sexual, you are alive and you are a MAN. All of your teasing and mystery should demonstrate this. Always remember, women turn off by a man that appears too feminine, too sweet, non sexual, shy, lifeless or boring.
You have to present yourself as manly, sexual creature. This should be the part of your mystery and personality.
According to women, the things that make guy sexually attractive are:
1. Confidence.
2. Vocal Tone.
3. Relaxed Personality.
4. Perfect Body Language.
5. Decisiveness.
6. Passion.
If you turn on these six bullet points in your life then you can be sexually attractive and make women chase you entire life. But, here is one hidden secret behind sexual attraction... "GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR".
Sense of humor is like a charm that makes you sexually attractive, interesting and fun loving person. Women rather have sexy with an ugly guy that makes them laugh than with an attractive guy with no personality. Those above six points, combine with sense of humor, are like magic that charge your sexuality.
Sexual confidence shows you what you really are and expressing your sexual personality projects your own unique style.
The thing you need to remember always is that, Sexual attraction does not work the same way for females as it does for males. Women do not turn on like men because they get aroused when they interact with men that have manly qualities, passion and successful manly traits. They are not as physical creatures as men.
Presenting that you are confident manly sexual creature does not mean acting like you is an out of control wild animal (though sometimes women also love wild love making). Make sure you avoid these two mistakes.
1. Acting too passive, much shy and non sexual on a date.
2. Going overboard and being too physical aggressive and overly sexual.
You just have to maintain balance in your traits... so as you master the "sexually attractive traits" I taught you about, remember that you are in control of the volume and you have to decide when to turn it up and when to turn it down.
Now learn new fantastic secrets about "charging your sexuality" and be "be sexually attractive", women dream of, with these: []Fantastic Sexual Guides.
Article Source: [] Charge Your Sexuality and Be Sexually Attractive
See What Really Triggers Women Orgasms - Achieving Female Orgasms
See What Really Triggers Women Orgasms - Achieving Female Orgasms
By []Chris Walez
Achieving Female Orgasm is an art that everyone need to master it. According to research, only 70 percent females achieve orgasm during intercourse. This research makes most of the men think like they are sexually frustrating. Somehow this thinking is true and it is because men and women have difference in overall sexual mental frame.
The reality is there are a million possible reasons why triggering women orgasms are getting hard. Just because a woman is wet, that does not mean she is near to climax. Now this thing also makes you wonder that a lot of woman never orgasm at all.
Always remember one thing, "Sex is fun and she needs the pleasure as much as you do".
Love begins in the mind of women and if you do not pleasure her mind with love, then chances are she would not be sexually aroused too. The slower you take love making the more wonderful the orgasms you will gift to your woman. There are plenty of things you can use to improve your skills in turning on the triggers of women in order to give them incredible orgasms.
There are several powerful ways that can make you achieve female orgasm easily. Here are two fantastic women orgasm triggers.
1. Foreplay: She should be shaking with anticipation and pleasure when you enter inside her. If you do foreplay in proper way then women can also come from your first thrust. To build that level of pleasure you need to master the art of teasing.
This is a pretty mental game... bring her up and back down her again and again while loving and thrusting. When you enjoy having fun with her while doing love making, you take off the pressure from her and this thing make her so easy to have wonderful orgasm.
2. Work On Intimacy, Not Techniques: The main thing that will set you apart from other men is to "emotionally connect" with her. A person that can get into her brain and emotionally connect himself with her will sexually satisfy her completely.
If you emotionally connect with her then you can work on intimacy. When you work on intimacy then some body parts of her needs your attention and beg to be stimulated. Your attention to the right areas of woman at the right time with the right technique can lead to the ultimate incredible reward.
Focus on what makes her arouse best and use this knowledge to make her reach her intense orgasm.
If you are committed to changing what does not work, if you really, truly want to have the feeling of a supremely confident ladies man and carry that with you wherever you go, then you definitely need to check out my course: []Fantastic Seduction Guides.
Article Source: [] See What Really Triggers Women Orgasms - Achieving Female Orgasms
By []Chris Walez
Achieving Female Orgasm is an art that everyone need to master it. According to research, only 70 percent females achieve orgasm during intercourse. This research makes most of the men think like they are sexually frustrating. Somehow this thinking is true and it is because men and women have difference in overall sexual mental frame.
The reality is there are a million possible reasons why triggering women orgasms are getting hard. Just because a woman is wet, that does not mean she is near to climax. Now this thing also makes you wonder that a lot of woman never orgasm at all.
Always remember one thing, "Sex is fun and she needs the pleasure as much as you do".
Love begins in the mind of women and if you do not pleasure her mind with love, then chances are she would not be sexually aroused too. The slower you take love making the more wonderful the orgasms you will gift to your woman. There are plenty of things you can use to improve your skills in turning on the triggers of women in order to give them incredible orgasms.
There are several powerful ways that can make you achieve female orgasm easily. Here are two fantastic women orgasm triggers.
1. Foreplay: She should be shaking with anticipation and pleasure when you enter inside her. If you do foreplay in proper way then women can also come from your first thrust. To build that level of pleasure you need to master the art of teasing.
This is a pretty mental game... bring her up and back down her again and again while loving and thrusting. When you enjoy having fun with her while doing love making, you take off the pressure from her and this thing make her so easy to have wonderful orgasm.
2. Work On Intimacy, Not Techniques: The main thing that will set you apart from other men is to "emotionally connect" with her. A person that can get into her brain and emotionally connect himself with her will sexually satisfy her completely.
If you emotionally connect with her then you can work on intimacy. When you work on intimacy then some body parts of her needs your attention and beg to be stimulated. Your attention to the right areas of woman at the right time with the right technique can lead to the ultimate incredible reward.
Focus on what makes her arouse best and use this knowledge to make her reach her intense orgasm.
If you are committed to changing what does not work, if you really, truly want to have the feeling of a supremely confident ladies man and carry that with you wherever you go, then you definitely need to check out my course: []Fantastic Seduction Guides.
Article Source: [] See What Really Triggers Women Orgasms - Achieving Female Orgasms
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Seduction Begins - Ready to Know the Secrets?
Seduction Begins - Ready to Know the Secrets?
By []Chris Walez
When you approach women, there are several things that go through their mind. Women know that every man wants to seduce and have sex with them, but if you learn the effective secrets of seducing and get expert in it then you would not have any problem making any woman aroused and fall for you anytime.
One of the incredible ways to start seducing any woman is to make her laugh. If you can tickle the funny bone of girl then seduction begins right at that time with your this move. So always remember, the first step to begin seduction is to make her LAUGH.
Making a girl laugh has proven and this fun has led to several successful relationships between couples.
There are many other ways to seduce to her and make her crazy for you... These secrets will take your sexual relationship much further.
1. Think Like A Female: If you put yourself in women mind then they want you to go slowly. Women are much sensitive then men. Unlike instant turn on, women are much dependable on their mood. Change her mood not mind and this one thing will increase your skills a lot.
2. Teasing With Seduction: Tease her in playful way, attack her ego in playful way. This will boost anticipation between both of you. One thing you have to remember is to never make joke regarding any woman looks and appearance because this will simply end up by making her think about you as jerk.
Give specific true compliments while teasing her playfully. Be a fun loving guy and if next time both of you having dinner at some restaurant, do something playful (feeding each other or use your fingers for eating) for both of you to share in future while laughing.
3. Project Your Manliness: Kill boy, be a MAN. Now is the time to avoid your boyish behavior. Adopt manly traits because girl/women love to be with a MAN. You have to project your manliness in order to seduce a girl and make her chase you entire life.
A MAN does not cry, moan and complain. He is focused and knows that importance of family. A man lives a life of his own wonderful creation. MEN are focused on power, money and family because sex is not the real target. Sex comes as a result of having power, richness and wife.
A real Man owns his attitude. He achieves everything he wants, faces his fears, Keeps his words and makes his own fortune.
If you adopt only above three secret points then you can seduce any woman you want in your life.
But if you want to be the desiring drug of women then now you can with these []Fantastic Seduction guides. Dominate her by giving her exciting and intense orgasms. She will chase you entire life.
Learn the in-depth secrets of the greatest lovers and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Sexual Confidence in yourself and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Seduction Begins - Ready to Know the Secrets?
By []Chris Walez
When you approach women, there are several things that go through their mind. Women know that every man wants to seduce and have sex with them, but if you learn the effective secrets of seducing and get expert in it then you would not have any problem making any woman aroused and fall for you anytime.
One of the incredible ways to start seducing any woman is to make her laugh. If you can tickle the funny bone of girl then seduction begins right at that time with your this move. So always remember, the first step to begin seduction is to make her LAUGH.
Making a girl laugh has proven and this fun has led to several successful relationships between couples.
There are many other ways to seduce to her and make her crazy for you... These secrets will take your sexual relationship much further.
1. Think Like A Female: If you put yourself in women mind then they want you to go slowly. Women are much sensitive then men. Unlike instant turn on, women are much dependable on their mood. Change her mood not mind and this one thing will increase your skills a lot.
2. Teasing With Seduction: Tease her in playful way, attack her ego in playful way. This will boost anticipation between both of you. One thing you have to remember is to never make joke regarding any woman looks and appearance because this will simply end up by making her think about you as jerk.
Give specific true compliments while teasing her playfully. Be a fun loving guy and if next time both of you having dinner at some restaurant, do something playful (feeding each other or use your fingers for eating) for both of you to share in future while laughing.
3. Project Your Manliness: Kill boy, be a MAN. Now is the time to avoid your boyish behavior. Adopt manly traits because girl/women love to be with a MAN. You have to project your manliness in order to seduce a girl and make her chase you entire life.
A MAN does not cry, moan and complain. He is focused and knows that importance of family. A man lives a life of his own wonderful creation. MEN are focused on power, money and family because sex is not the real target. Sex comes as a result of having power, richness and wife.
A real Man owns his attitude. He achieves everything he wants, faces his fears, Keeps his words and makes his own fortune.
If you adopt only above three secret points then you can seduce any woman you want in your life.
But if you want to be the desiring drug of women then now you can with these []Fantastic Seduction guides. Dominate her by giving her exciting and intense orgasms. She will chase you entire life.
Learn the in-depth secrets of the greatest lovers and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Sexual Confidence in yourself and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Seduction Begins - Ready to Know the Secrets?
Learn From Lesbians - Amazing Sex Secrets Revealed
Learn From Lesbians - Amazing Sex Secrets Revealed
By []Chris Walez
Women in lesbian relationships normally project a higher level or sexual satisfaction than their general relationship. You must be thinking, "Lesbians have equipment". Well yes they have but not in the way you imagine.
For Lesbians, There is no foreplay; it is "ALL PLAY". There is more than body parts and foreplay. Lesbians cheer each other, Open up, discuss their likes and bring different things to the bedroom. Kissing, Touching, Sucking, Cheering, Laughing, Enjoying, Caressing - These are all frames of a woman sexual experience and you ignore them mostly while love making.
This may come as surprise to you that almost every woman thinks that men are boring in love making sessions. This is because men think that there is a same method to sex; foreplay, make her wet, get inside and rock her. It is causing true sexual inhibition in men.
Here I am revealing interesting sex secrets of lesbians.
Lesbians Amazing Sex Secrets:
1. Sex Is Not A Job: When lesbians have sex, they not working towards a simple goal. They do not treat as giving orgasm is the only end because for lesbians, every look and every touch is the necessary part of the pleasant sexual experience.
They feel the warmth of each other lips, feel the softness of skin, cheer and enjoy doing kisses and how they respond to being touched is shared between lesbians. It is all about fun and enjoyment and you know girls just always wanted to have fun.
2. Emotional Bonding: Lesbians are emotionally bonded. According to research, Intimacy in lesbian relationship is not the initial thing. A lesbian couple does not think about sex before emotional bonding.
When two girls/women are together, they set to merge and emotionally bond like sisters. It feels like a lovely sisterhood.
3. Activate All Senses: Lesbians focus on small things. She loves the way you smell, the way your breath tastes. This is the first thing that turns any woman on emotionally as well as physically.
When lesbians go down, it does not mean that they enjoying the thing, they enjoy providing pleasure to other. Making love in this way satisfy completely all the senses, not only erogenous zones.
Focus on every little detail of your partner because ignorance is not bliss in relationship. If you focus only on these 3 little secrets of lesbians then you can have a wonderful sex life.
The reason I revealed these secrets is that you have to avoid doing what other 99 percent men do.
Now, if you want to be the desiring drug of women then now you can with these []Fantastic Love Making guides. Dominate her by giving her exciting and intense orgasms. She will chase you entire life.
Learn the in-depth secrets of the greatest lovers and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Sexual Confidence in yourself and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Learn From Lesbians - Amazing Sex Secrets Revealed
By []Chris Walez
Women in lesbian relationships normally project a higher level or sexual satisfaction than their general relationship. You must be thinking, "Lesbians have equipment". Well yes they have but not in the way you imagine.
For Lesbians, There is no foreplay; it is "ALL PLAY". There is more than body parts and foreplay. Lesbians cheer each other, Open up, discuss their likes and bring different things to the bedroom. Kissing, Touching, Sucking, Cheering, Laughing, Enjoying, Caressing - These are all frames of a woman sexual experience and you ignore them mostly while love making.
This may come as surprise to you that almost every woman thinks that men are boring in love making sessions. This is because men think that there is a same method to sex; foreplay, make her wet, get inside and rock her. It is causing true sexual inhibition in men.
Here I am revealing interesting sex secrets of lesbians.
Lesbians Amazing Sex Secrets:
1. Sex Is Not A Job: When lesbians have sex, they not working towards a simple goal. They do not treat as giving orgasm is the only end because for lesbians, every look and every touch is the necessary part of the pleasant sexual experience.
They feel the warmth of each other lips, feel the softness of skin, cheer and enjoy doing kisses and how they respond to being touched is shared between lesbians. It is all about fun and enjoyment and you know girls just always wanted to have fun.
2. Emotional Bonding: Lesbians are emotionally bonded. According to research, Intimacy in lesbian relationship is not the initial thing. A lesbian couple does not think about sex before emotional bonding.
When two girls/women are together, they set to merge and emotionally bond like sisters. It feels like a lovely sisterhood.
3. Activate All Senses: Lesbians focus on small things. She loves the way you smell, the way your breath tastes. This is the first thing that turns any woman on emotionally as well as physically.
When lesbians go down, it does not mean that they enjoying the thing, they enjoy providing pleasure to other. Making love in this way satisfy completely all the senses, not only erogenous zones.
Focus on every little detail of your partner because ignorance is not bliss in relationship. If you focus only on these 3 little secrets of lesbians then you can have a wonderful sex life.
The reason I revealed these secrets is that you have to avoid doing what other 99 percent men do.
Now, if you want to be the desiring drug of women then now you can with these []Fantastic Love Making guides. Dominate her by giving her exciting and intense orgasms. She will chase you entire life.
Learn the in-depth secrets of the greatest lovers and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Sexual Confidence in yourself and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Learn From Lesbians - Amazing Sex Secrets Revealed
Rock Her World - Key Steps Masters Use
Rock Her World - Key Steps Masters Use
By []Chris Walez
Rock her world by giving earth-shattering, mind blowing and intense orgasm. Sex is a great way to connect with your partner physically as well as emotionally but if you know the right techniques on how to rock her world it will bring your relationship to that intimate level that makes things more passionate and incredible.
There are several ways to keep your girl exciting by avoiding sexual boredom. If you want to heat up your sex life and eager to rock her world passionately then keep on reading these key steps which masters use and make her chase them entire life.
1. Change Foreplay: Every couple use the same way to initiate sex. Like, lie on bed together, girl goes down on him, he goes down on her and then both have same boring sex. But now its time to add excitement in your sexy life by adding few surprising elements in your foreplay game.
Foreplay is not like doing kisses and hugs; it can be much more. It can start from dancing, playing game or even while watching some erotic and romantic movie but the key thing you need to remember is always first emotionally connect to her then start your intense foreplay game.
Kiss and blow around your woman neck and shoulder. Drop chocolate on most erotic areas of each other body and then enjoy it while sucking/licking from each others body. Give each other chocolaty oral sex. Add some spice in your sex life every time.
2. Add Different Sexual Elements: You can use soft lights, romantic music, erotic movie, sexy painting in your room to make her sexually excited. With your powerful foreplay and lovemaking, you will easily give her intense orgasm.
Take your girl on online sex shops, use sex toys and get the vibrator because these things excite sexual mental frame.
You can use different location for new experience. Like, use hotels and do one night stand with your girl. By using these different sexual elements you can rock her world and make her have best orgasm she ever had.
3. Fulfill Her Sexual Fantasies: Do not think that only you fantasize about sexual things. When it comes to dream about the sexiest and hottest fantasies, Women are the expert. Women want and hoping their men that one day they will fulfill their sexual fantasies.
It is very vast topic to talk about but I tell you 3 fantasies women dream and your girl/wife definitely wants you to fulfill it.
She wants domination. She dominates and you dominate her (two different fantasies), As MASTER.
Rape: She wants you to ravish her with love. She wants a MAN in bed not boy. So be a MAN and do wild love making. Give her best intense female orgasm.
Lap Dance: She wants to strip tease and gives you a private lap dance.
So gentlemen, start using these few master keys and make women chase your entire life. Now, if you want to be the desiring drug of women then now you can with these []Fantastic Manly Lover guides.
Dominate her by giving her exciting and intense orgasms. She will chase you entire life. Learn the in-depth secrets of the greatest lovers and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Sexual Confidence in yourself and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Rock Her World - Key Steps Masters Use
By []Chris Walez
Rock her world by giving earth-shattering, mind blowing and intense orgasm. Sex is a great way to connect with your partner physically as well as emotionally but if you know the right techniques on how to rock her world it will bring your relationship to that intimate level that makes things more passionate and incredible.
There are several ways to keep your girl exciting by avoiding sexual boredom. If you want to heat up your sex life and eager to rock her world passionately then keep on reading these key steps which masters use and make her chase them entire life.
1. Change Foreplay: Every couple use the same way to initiate sex. Like, lie on bed together, girl goes down on him, he goes down on her and then both have same boring sex. But now its time to add excitement in your sexy life by adding few surprising elements in your foreplay game.
Foreplay is not like doing kisses and hugs; it can be much more. It can start from dancing, playing game or even while watching some erotic and romantic movie but the key thing you need to remember is always first emotionally connect to her then start your intense foreplay game.
Kiss and blow around your woman neck and shoulder. Drop chocolate on most erotic areas of each other body and then enjoy it while sucking/licking from each others body. Give each other chocolaty oral sex. Add some spice in your sex life every time.
2. Add Different Sexual Elements: You can use soft lights, romantic music, erotic movie, sexy painting in your room to make her sexually excited. With your powerful foreplay and lovemaking, you will easily give her intense orgasm.
Take your girl on online sex shops, use sex toys and get the vibrator because these things excite sexual mental frame.
You can use different location for new experience. Like, use hotels and do one night stand with your girl. By using these different sexual elements you can rock her world and make her have best orgasm she ever had.
3. Fulfill Her Sexual Fantasies: Do not think that only you fantasize about sexual things. When it comes to dream about the sexiest and hottest fantasies, Women are the expert. Women want and hoping their men that one day they will fulfill their sexual fantasies.
It is very vast topic to talk about but I tell you 3 fantasies women dream and your girl/wife definitely wants you to fulfill it.
She wants domination. She dominates and you dominate her (two different fantasies), As MASTER.
Rape: She wants you to ravish her with love. She wants a MAN in bed not boy. So be a MAN and do wild love making. Give her best intense female orgasm.
Lap Dance: She wants to strip tease and gives you a private lap dance.
So gentlemen, start using these few master keys and make women chase your entire life. Now, if you want to be the desiring drug of women then now you can with these []Fantastic Manly Lover guides.
Dominate her by giving her exciting and intense orgasms. She will chase you entire life. Learn the in-depth secrets of the greatest lovers and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Sexual Confidence in yourself and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Rock Her World - Key Steps Masters Use
Be the Best Lover - 4 Incredible Tips
Be the Best Lover - 4 Incredible Tips
By []Chris Walez
Be the best lover by generating pleasurable sounds inside your woman. Most of the guys think that they have to be sexually active for keeping relationship interesting but they do mistake by not doing anything new. Being best lover is not something that appears naturally and you can not expect to be the best lover without any effort because you have to know what you are doing.
Pleasing your love is always challenging. It does not matter how you look or how big you are; you just have to learn the right techniques for having fantastic wild sex, both for yourself and your lover. If you want to know the secrets that how to Wow her tonight then read on...
1. Love yourself: You have to love yourself first in order to be the best lover. Groom yourself, Make yourself confident. Males are visual they just need a sexy visual and they let them go. So play and enjoy with yourself first... It is the first and most important thing for being the best lover.
2. Be Unique: Almost every man is same in sexual things so how you will stand out yourself as the best lover? Simple... Be different and unique. You should have unique styles, unique hobby, and unique interests. Please here do not take me wrong; you stay the same as your but even if your hobby is to play games then dominate that hobby, you should have your name popular in that hobby or if you have some dressing style then dominate that style, you should know everything about your style.
These little things show you as passionate person. Women love those people who are passionate. For instance, Ronaldo dominated his hobby; James Bond dominated his style and profession. You have to be a dominant successful person.
3. Make her Melt: After sleeping and having wild night; do incredible after play and make her melt. After wild love making come up with ice-cream, cookies, chocolate and have these things while sitting in front of each other naked. This thing is sexy and unforgettable and it shows you the best lover who is interesting and charming.
4. Give Her Orgasm: This is the single most important thing in relationship that can make you the best lover she ever had. Good sex and exciting orgasms are like best cement that hold you both together strongly and make your relationship the happiest one.
"An Orgasm a Day Keeps Your Relationship Healthiest and Happiest."
Every woman needs orgasm. Keep intimacy alive in your relationship by focusing on foreplay and sexual things because according to research only 25 percent of women have orgasm. So, be the best lover and make her think about you as the best lover/husband with these []Fantastic Manly Lover guides.
Dominate her by giving her exciting and intense orgasms. She will chase you entire life. Learn the in-depth secrets of the greatest lovers and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Sexual Confidence in yourself and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Be the Best Lover - 4 Incredible Tips
By []Chris Walez
Be the best lover by generating pleasurable sounds inside your woman. Most of the guys think that they have to be sexually active for keeping relationship interesting but they do mistake by not doing anything new. Being best lover is not something that appears naturally and you can not expect to be the best lover without any effort because you have to know what you are doing.
Pleasing your love is always challenging. It does not matter how you look or how big you are; you just have to learn the right techniques for having fantastic wild sex, both for yourself and your lover. If you want to know the secrets that how to Wow her tonight then read on...
1. Love yourself: You have to love yourself first in order to be the best lover. Groom yourself, Make yourself confident. Males are visual they just need a sexy visual and they let them go. So play and enjoy with yourself first... It is the first and most important thing for being the best lover.
2. Be Unique: Almost every man is same in sexual things so how you will stand out yourself as the best lover? Simple... Be different and unique. You should have unique styles, unique hobby, and unique interests. Please here do not take me wrong; you stay the same as your but even if your hobby is to play games then dominate that hobby, you should have your name popular in that hobby or if you have some dressing style then dominate that style, you should know everything about your style.
These little things show you as passionate person. Women love those people who are passionate. For instance, Ronaldo dominated his hobby; James Bond dominated his style and profession. You have to be a dominant successful person.
3. Make her Melt: After sleeping and having wild night; do incredible after play and make her melt. After wild love making come up with ice-cream, cookies, chocolate and have these things while sitting in front of each other naked. This thing is sexy and unforgettable and it shows you the best lover who is interesting and charming.
4. Give Her Orgasm: This is the single most important thing in relationship that can make you the best lover she ever had. Good sex and exciting orgasms are like best cement that hold you both together strongly and make your relationship the happiest one.
"An Orgasm a Day Keeps Your Relationship Healthiest and Happiest."
Every woman needs orgasm. Keep intimacy alive in your relationship by focusing on foreplay and sexual things because according to research only 25 percent of women have orgasm. So, be the best lover and make her think about you as the best lover/husband with these []Fantastic Manly Lover guides.
Dominate her by giving her exciting and intense orgasms. She will chase you entire life. Learn the in-depth secrets of the greatest lovers and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Sexual Confidence in yourself and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Be the Best Lover - 4 Incredible Tips
Monday, March 22, 2010
Be the Best Husband (4 Golden Rules)
Be the Best Husband (4 Golden Rules)
By []Chris Walez
The first step to be the best husband is nothing like changing yourself, it is like grooming yourself. Several people have a fear of being a bad husband who fails to meet all the responsibilities and happiness in relationship. Being the best husband is not that hard, just you have to adopt some good qualities and know the feelings of your spouse.
If you do few things on daily basis then you can make your relationship stronger and happier.
Be the best husband by following these golden rules.
Fight in a good way:
Do not quarrel over something disrespectful. Your respect is in your hands and you can keep it by projecting good qualities of you. Never try to win an argument by hurting her or making her cry. The most sufficient way to solve the problem is to talk calmly by focusing on the situation. Face the problem... Never run from it.
If she is in bad mood, never argue back. Hug her quietly and kiss her cheeks. Solve the problems together.
Use your touch:
Touching is extremely powerful. If you use your touch properly, it can be wonderfully charming for your relationship. Always touch safe areas while talking to your wife... Touch her arms shoulders hands, your touch should be sensual and light.
Touching is the most essential thing in relationship. This thing emotionally bonds you both stronger day by day and keeps the intimacy alive in relationship.
Surprise your wife:
The best husband surprises her wife time by time by giving gifts, flowers, sudden picnics etc. Be sincere. For instance, If you like your wife clothes or accessories then give her compliment. Surprise your wife by giving her sudden kisses and hugs.
Housewife thing is a full time job to the house clean, taking care of children and cooking food three times a day. Consider helping your wife by cooking meals, doing dishes or even chopping vegetables. A good husband will always show up like a helping and loving person to let his wife know she is the center of his world.
Give her orgasm (Keep intimacy alive in your relationship):
You have to learn the art of giving your wife exciting and intense orgasm. Give your wife multiple orgasms and believe me she will chase/love you entire her life.
Every woman needs orgasm. Keep intimacy alive in your relationship by focusing on foreplay and sexual things because according to research only 25 percent of women have orgasm.
So, be the best husband and make her think about you as the best lover/husband with these []Fantastic Manly Lover guides. Dominate her by giving her exciting and intense orgasms. She will chase you entire life.
Learn the in-depth secrets of the greatest lovers and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Sexual Confidence in yourself and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Be the Best Husband (4 Golden Rules)
By []Chris Walez
The first step to be the best husband is nothing like changing yourself, it is like grooming yourself. Several people have a fear of being a bad husband who fails to meet all the responsibilities and happiness in relationship. Being the best husband is not that hard, just you have to adopt some good qualities and know the feelings of your spouse.
If you do few things on daily basis then you can make your relationship stronger and happier.
Be the best husband by following these golden rules.
Fight in a good way:
Do not quarrel over something disrespectful. Your respect is in your hands and you can keep it by projecting good qualities of you. Never try to win an argument by hurting her or making her cry. The most sufficient way to solve the problem is to talk calmly by focusing on the situation. Face the problem... Never run from it.
If she is in bad mood, never argue back. Hug her quietly and kiss her cheeks. Solve the problems together.
Use your touch:
Touching is extremely powerful. If you use your touch properly, it can be wonderfully charming for your relationship. Always touch safe areas while talking to your wife... Touch her arms shoulders hands, your touch should be sensual and light.
Touching is the most essential thing in relationship. This thing emotionally bonds you both stronger day by day and keeps the intimacy alive in relationship.
Surprise your wife:
The best husband surprises her wife time by time by giving gifts, flowers, sudden picnics etc. Be sincere. For instance, If you like your wife clothes or accessories then give her compliment. Surprise your wife by giving her sudden kisses and hugs.
Housewife thing is a full time job to the house clean, taking care of children and cooking food three times a day. Consider helping your wife by cooking meals, doing dishes or even chopping vegetables. A good husband will always show up like a helping and loving person to let his wife know she is the center of his world.
Give her orgasm (Keep intimacy alive in your relationship):
You have to learn the art of giving your wife exciting and intense orgasm. Give your wife multiple orgasms and believe me she will chase/love you entire her life.
Every woman needs orgasm. Keep intimacy alive in your relationship by focusing on foreplay and sexual things because according to research only 25 percent of women have orgasm.
So, be the best husband and make her think about you as the best lover/husband with these []Fantastic Manly Lover guides. Dominate her by giving her exciting and intense orgasms. She will chase you entire life.
Learn the in-depth secrets of the greatest lovers and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Sexual Confidence in yourself and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Be the Best Husband (4 Golden Rules)
Couples Foreplay - Adult Tips
Couples Foreplay - Adult Tips
By []Chris Walez
Foreplay is extremely necessary part of every healthy relationship. Foreplay is like sexual thunderous weather because without it sex life can be quite boring. If you not in mood then you can not complete the sexual exciting journey with your partner. If you want to build heat in your relationship then you have to master the art of foreplay.
Here are few couples foreplay adult tips for exciting your sex life.
Couple Foreplay (Adult Tips):
1. Have a warm bath or sexy shower together. Do love making sessions in shower.
2. Bring Adult magazine, do not hide them. At night, grab those magazines magazine and google pages together.
3. You can give sexual massage for hours or end it up within 30 minutes. Sexual massages are the most powerful way to turn your partner on.
Sexual massages are quite like normal massages but in this massage you mostly focus on the erogenous zones of your partner.
4. If you never tried sex toys then this is the time to use them now. Sex toys will make you understand your partner body and teach you about your body also. Sometimes it is so erotic to use taboo things while lovemaking.
5. Doing phone sex is completely exciting and erotic thing. If turns you both on before connecting with each other physically. Several adult couples not consider phone sex serious or a part of passionate foreplay.
Who says phone sex should be used when you out of town? Hello friends... use it when you in garage or your wife downstairs so that you can start your wild love making feelings right from the start through your sexy dirty talks.
6. Drop drops of chocolate on your partner erogenous zones then lick and suck them. Make your partner go wild and scream with pleasure. Enjoy a chocolaty wild oral love making.
7. Do rough sex sketching. First let your partner make some erotic image he/she wants in love making. Then do it and fulfill your partner fantasy. After that you do the same so that your partner has a chance to give you exciting pleasure and thrill you badly.
8. Do sex photography while kissing and enjoying each other. It is one of the biggest turn on which bonds you with your partner emotionally also.
9. Play romantic kissing games. Enjoy passionate kisses. Play with your partner lips... suck ear lobes. Rub on wrist and palm while enjoying their neck... sucks your partner neck with so much love.
For having memorable, exciting and wild moments, Always focus on the erogenous zones of your partner and first connect to your partner emotionally in order to have a wild romantic sex.
Now you can learn the secrets of best lover with these []Fantastic Manly Lover guides. Dominate her with your sexy talks and moves. She will chase you entire life.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Sexual Confidence in yourself and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Couples Foreplay - Adult Tips
By []Chris Walez
Foreplay is extremely necessary part of every healthy relationship. Foreplay is like sexual thunderous weather because without it sex life can be quite boring. If you not in mood then you can not complete the sexual exciting journey with your partner. If you want to build heat in your relationship then you have to master the art of foreplay.
Here are few couples foreplay adult tips for exciting your sex life.
Couple Foreplay (Adult Tips):
1. Have a warm bath or sexy shower together. Do love making sessions in shower.
2. Bring Adult magazine, do not hide them. At night, grab those magazines magazine and google pages together.
3. You can give sexual massage for hours or end it up within 30 minutes. Sexual massages are the most powerful way to turn your partner on.
Sexual massages are quite like normal massages but in this massage you mostly focus on the erogenous zones of your partner.
4. If you never tried sex toys then this is the time to use them now. Sex toys will make you understand your partner body and teach you about your body also. Sometimes it is so erotic to use taboo things while lovemaking.
5. Doing phone sex is completely exciting and erotic thing. If turns you both on before connecting with each other physically. Several adult couples not consider phone sex serious or a part of passionate foreplay.
Who says phone sex should be used when you out of town? Hello friends... use it when you in garage or your wife downstairs so that you can start your wild love making feelings right from the start through your sexy dirty talks.
6. Drop drops of chocolate on your partner erogenous zones then lick and suck them. Make your partner go wild and scream with pleasure. Enjoy a chocolaty wild oral love making.
7. Do rough sex sketching. First let your partner make some erotic image he/she wants in love making. Then do it and fulfill your partner fantasy. After that you do the same so that your partner has a chance to give you exciting pleasure and thrill you badly.
8. Do sex photography while kissing and enjoying each other. It is one of the biggest turn on which bonds you with your partner emotionally also.
9. Play romantic kissing games. Enjoy passionate kisses. Play with your partner lips... suck ear lobes. Rub on wrist and palm while enjoying their neck... sucks your partner neck with so much love.
For having memorable, exciting and wild moments, Always focus on the erogenous zones of your partner and first connect to your partner emotionally in order to have a wild romantic sex.
Now you can learn the secrets of best lover with these []Fantastic Manly Lover guides. Dominate her with your sexy talks and moves. She will chase you entire life.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Sexual Confidence in yourself and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Couples Foreplay - Adult Tips
Sexy Talk (For Added Passion)
Sexy Talk (For Added Passion)
By []Chris Walez
Sexy talks with your mate are one of the most exciting things in relationship. Some couples think about sexy talks like a cold shower but for some other it is passionate part of romance. Right words at the right moment can make your partner go breathless with pleasure.
Sexy talk is a great way to emotionally strengthen your bond with your partner. Its make you laugh, it adds passion, it reveals desires of your partner and it is sexy. Sexy talks add passion in love making sessions and build intimacy in romance.
Always remember, your partner loves talking sexy as much as you do and you can heat things up in your relationship. There are some wrong ways to talk and you have to be careful about it by choosing right way of talking.
There is nothing exciting then sexy talk with your partner. You can excite your partner anywhere you want with your power of words.
Sexy Talk Tips (How To Do It):
You can spice up your sex life by applying these few tips.
1. You can start it by sending text on your partner cell or send him/her a sexy email. "You were fantastic last night... I am eager to see you wild again" with this text in email you can attach some sexy image also so that passion starts building up moments before and then explode when you both are together.
2. Start kissing your partner lightly. Tease, play and tease again. Build anticipation and whisper sexy words in your partner ear while enjoying juicy kisses. "This is so sexy. I am feeling you dissolve with my kisses... You have fantastic energy in you, I can feel it"
3. Give you partner some creative sexy nick. Be specific. "You got sexy curves", "Liger", "Juicy", "Chocolate Cake", "Thunder" and "Sexy Ankle" etc.
Sexy Lines For Adding Passion:
1. I will ravish you tonight with my love.
2. I love being in your arms.
3. You are my naughty little girl.
4. Your body is like a thunder.
5. Lets have a ride... Wild Ride.
6. I get so wet when you thrust me deep with passion.
7. Your curviest waist makes me go mad on you.
8. You fill my body with pleasure.
9. I can not wait to enjoy your thing.
10. I will have you so badly tonight.
11. You thrill me.
12. You are so sexy like lightning.
Many couples make their own sex code words which benefits to let them talk in front of other people. Now you can learn the secrets of best lover with these []Fantastic Manly Lover guides. Dominate her with your sexy talks and make her chase you entire life.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Sexual Confidence in yourself and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Sexy Talk (For Added Passion)
By []Chris Walez
Sexy talks with your mate are one of the most exciting things in relationship. Some couples think about sexy talks like a cold shower but for some other it is passionate part of romance. Right words at the right moment can make your partner go breathless with pleasure.
Sexy talk is a great way to emotionally strengthen your bond with your partner. Its make you laugh, it adds passion, it reveals desires of your partner and it is sexy. Sexy talks add passion in love making sessions and build intimacy in romance.
Always remember, your partner loves talking sexy as much as you do and you can heat things up in your relationship. There are some wrong ways to talk and you have to be careful about it by choosing right way of talking.
There is nothing exciting then sexy talk with your partner. You can excite your partner anywhere you want with your power of words.
Sexy Talk Tips (How To Do It):
You can spice up your sex life by applying these few tips.
1. You can start it by sending text on your partner cell or send him/her a sexy email. "You were fantastic last night... I am eager to see you wild again" with this text in email you can attach some sexy image also so that passion starts building up moments before and then explode when you both are together.
2. Start kissing your partner lightly. Tease, play and tease again. Build anticipation and whisper sexy words in your partner ear while enjoying juicy kisses. "This is so sexy. I am feeling you dissolve with my kisses... You have fantastic energy in you, I can feel it"
3. Give you partner some creative sexy nick. Be specific. "You got sexy curves", "Liger", "Juicy", "Chocolate Cake", "Thunder" and "Sexy Ankle" etc.
Sexy Lines For Adding Passion:
1. I will ravish you tonight with my love.
2. I love being in your arms.
3. You are my naughty little girl.
4. Your body is like a thunder.
5. Lets have a ride... Wild Ride.
6. I get so wet when you thrust me deep with passion.
7. Your curviest waist makes me go mad on you.
8. You fill my body with pleasure.
9. I can not wait to enjoy your thing.
10. I will have you so badly tonight.
11. You thrill me.
12. You are so sexy like lightning.
Many couples make their own sex code words which benefits to let them talk in front of other people. Now you can learn the secrets of best lover with these []Fantastic Manly Lover guides. Dominate her with your sexy talks and make her chase you entire life.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Sexual Confidence in yourself and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Sexy Talk (For Added Passion)
Sexual Confidence (Boost Your Sexual Confidence)
Sexual Confidence (Boost Your Sexual Confidence)
By []Chris Walez
People lack sexual confidence in their personalities to physically and emotionally turn on a woman. Women always realize whether they dealing with girlish boy or with a confident MAN. It is a natural thing to feel lack of sexual confidence around women.
Let me clear you first the mental state of Men and Women so that you can get why women always feel so attractive and sexy.
Female Mental Frame: "I am Desirable... I am Hot... I am Fantastic... I Choose people... I am sexy... and I KNOW THIS"
Male Mental Frame: "I am not good looking... I am not equal to her standards... She is not going to like me... I will chase her entire my life... Of course I know I can not do that... and list of negative believes goes on and on..."
Its truth... isn't it?
You have to adopt positive mental frame so you can boost your sexual confidence.
"I am PASSIONATE... I am MYSTERIOUS... I am ROMANTIC... People love being around ME... I CHOOSE... and I KNOW THIS"
If you put this positive mental frame inside you and feel sexually confident then you take responsibility of your own pleasure. You have to love yourself first and believe that you deserve every pleasure. If you want to make sure that females see you as sexually confident guy who can rock their world with his Manliness moreover give them incredible sexual pleasure then first you need to adopt the above mental frame of a sexually confident man in order to make females chase you entire their lives.
Few wonderful tips you can use to build your sexual confidence and become the best lover women dream of.
1. Always dress good. Do not wait for the special occasion.
2. Keep relaxed attitude and emotions
3. Be aggressive gently.
4. Lead the situation and women. Ravish her with love.
5. Learn sexuality and master it (Oral, foreplay, wild love making, sensual touches, kisses...)
6. Experiment and keep trying new things in love making
7. Initiate sex with fantastic emotions.
8. Please her. Make her orgasm.
9. Master After play
10. Keep yourself interesting, make her laugh, satisfy her sexually and emotionally.
Women desire a MAN who knows his inner animal so always project dominant manly traits. Men who show sexual confidence with their manly traits are big turn on for women. Women desire a MANLY MAN who knows what he is doing and how he can please them.
It is very important for you to project image of you as sexually confident MAN who knows how to heat things up and light the fire deep inside a woman.
Now you can learn the secrets of best lover with these []Fantastic Manly Lover guides. Dominate her and make her chase you entire life.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Sexual Confidence in yourself and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Sexual Confidence (Boost Your Sexual Confidence)
By []Chris Walez
People lack sexual confidence in their personalities to physically and emotionally turn on a woman. Women always realize whether they dealing with girlish boy or with a confident MAN. It is a natural thing to feel lack of sexual confidence around women.
Let me clear you first the mental state of Men and Women so that you can get why women always feel so attractive and sexy.
Female Mental Frame: "I am Desirable... I am Hot... I am Fantastic... I Choose people... I am sexy... and I KNOW THIS"
Male Mental Frame: "I am not good looking... I am not equal to her standards... She is not going to like me... I will chase her entire my life... Of course I know I can not do that... and list of negative believes goes on and on..."
Its truth... isn't it?
You have to adopt positive mental frame so you can boost your sexual confidence.
"I am PASSIONATE... I am MYSTERIOUS... I am ROMANTIC... People love being around ME... I CHOOSE... and I KNOW THIS"
If you put this positive mental frame inside you and feel sexually confident then you take responsibility of your own pleasure. You have to love yourself first and believe that you deserve every pleasure. If you want to make sure that females see you as sexually confident guy who can rock their world with his Manliness moreover give them incredible sexual pleasure then first you need to adopt the above mental frame of a sexually confident man in order to make females chase you entire their lives.
Few wonderful tips you can use to build your sexual confidence and become the best lover women dream of.
1. Always dress good. Do not wait for the special occasion.
2. Keep relaxed attitude and emotions
3. Be aggressive gently.
4. Lead the situation and women. Ravish her with love.
5. Learn sexuality and master it (Oral, foreplay, wild love making, sensual touches, kisses...)
6. Experiment and keep trying new things in love making
7. Initiate sex with fantastic emotions.
8. Please her. Make her orgasm.
9. Master After play
10. Keep yourself interesting, make her laugh, satisfy her sexually and emotionally.
Women desire a MAN who knows his inner animal so always project dominant manly traits. Men who show sexual confidence with their manly traits are big turn on for women. Women desire a MANLY MAN who knows what he is doing and how he can please them.
It is very important for you to project image of you as sexually confident MAN who knows how to heat things up and light the fire deep inside a woman.
Now you can learn the secrets of best lover with these []Fantastic Manly Lover guides. Dominate her and make her chase you entire life.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Sexual Confidence in yourself and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Sexual Confidence (Boost Your Sexual Confidence)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
How to Prevent Premature Ejaculation (Rock Her World)
How to Prevent Premature Ejaculation (Rock Her World)
By []Chris Walez
Through several decades men may have attempt many remedies hoping to find out how to prevent premature ejaculation. I came to understand the different emotions of men on this matter after I read numerous topics about sexual health.
It is ok to worry, think seriously, recognize potential risks and strategically plan your sexual health. All of the problems can be done with proper guidance.
I know feelings of men about premature ejaculation; it is a trap they can not accept, a reason why many of them have to use products for sexual health and libido improvement.
Although plenty of products are expensive, most men not mind the price as long as they will become hard and last longer than they usually do during love making to be able to share their partner with equal pleasure.
The most important thing you need to understand is that the problem is not how long you lasting. 25 minutes of constantly thrusting is quite like Olympic level performance and you should not worry about this score.
The usual way of making love is expected to bring wonderful pleasure and blissful ecstasy to both partners but that is not how it always going to happen because of men failure to prevent premature ejaculation.
Who is going to use a sexual aid if females can have big "O" from the real thing? And who is going to take drugs when males can become aware that they can prevent premature ejaculation?
1. MORE FOREPLAY: To build the level of anticipation, you have to master the art of teasing. She should be shivering with anticipation when you put your thing inside of her. If you do foreplay in right way then women can actually come from your first thrust.
2. TRY DIFFERENT POSITION: If you doing something from several days and it is not working then do you not think that its better idea to change position? It will definitely help you out and prevent premature ejaculation.
3. KEGEL EXERCISES: Do kegel exercises (squeezing the muscle you use to stop flow of your urine). This exercise results in a hard and durable erection. This definitely helps you prevent premature ejaculation.
4. CHANGE YOUR MENTAL FRAME: This is the new and most important point to focus on. You have to keep yourself in a good mental state because whenever you go to bed with you wife then you keep yourself in bad mental state and this thing definitely affect your performance.
Keep yourself in a different mental/emotional state. Like, "Hah! I going to rock her world right now and this little girl about to get the wonderful ride of her life and there is nothing she can do to stop it until she begs for mercy". That is exactly what would happen.
You can learn the secrets of best lover with these []Wild Love Making guides. Rock her world by staying last longer.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Emotional Intimacy in your relationships and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] How to Prevent Premature Ejaculation (Rock Her World)
By []Chris Walez
Through several decades men may have attempt many remedies hoping to find out how to prevent premature ejaculation. I came to understand the different emotions of men on this matter after I read numerous topics about sexual health.
It is ok to worry, think seriously, recognize potential risks and strategically plan your sexual health. All of the problems can be done with proper guidance.
I know feelings of men about premature ejaculation; it is a trap they can not accept, a reason why many of them have to use products for sexual health and libido improvement.
Although plenty of products are expensive, most men not mind the price as long as they will become hard and last longer than they usually do during love making to be able to share their partner with equal pleasure.
The most important thing you need to understand is that the problem is not how long you lasting. 25 minutes of constantly thrusting is quite like Olympic level performance and you should not worry about this score.
The usual way of making love is expected to bring wonderful pleasure and blissful ecstasy to both partners but that is not how it always going to happen because of men failure to prevent premature ejaculation.
Who is going to use a sexual aid if females can have big "O" from the real thing? And who is going to take drugs when males can become aware that they can prevent premature ejaculation?
1. MORE FOREPLAY: To build the level of anticipation, you have to master the art of teasing. She should be shivering with anticipation when you put your thing inside of her. If you do foreplay in right way then women can actually come from your first thrust.
2. TRY DIFFERENT POSITION: If you doing something from several days and it is not working then do you not think that its better idea to change position? It will definitely help you out and prevent premature ejaculation.
3. KEGEL EXERCISES: Do kegel exercises (squeezing the muscle you use to stop flow of your urine). This exercise results in a hard and durable erection. This definitely helps you prevent premature ejaculation.
4. CHANGE YOUR MENTAL FRAME: This is the new and most important point to focus on. You have to keep yourself in a good mental state because whenever you go to bed with you wife then you keep yourself in bad mental state and this thing definitely affect your performance.
Keep yourself in a different mental/emotional state. Like, "Hah! I going to rock her world right now and this little girl about to get the wonderful ride of her life and there is nothing she can do to stop it until she begs for mercy". That is exactly what would happen.
You can learn the secrets of best lover with these []Wild Love Making guides. Rock her world by staying last longer.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Emotional Intimacy in your relationships and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] How to Prevent Premature Ejaculation (Rock Her World)
Emotional Intimacy (10 Minutes a Day)
Emotional Intimacy (10 Minutes a Day)
By []Chris Walez
Everyone desires to be in love because it feels fantastic. Being in love creates activity in the brain that sends little electrical impulses through out our bodies, making us feel all incredible. The problem is that for most couples being in love almost never lasts forever. Many people are not judicious when they are in love, and some have an inclination to suffer deep depression if the relationship ends. It is all because lack of emotional intimacy in relationships.
Many women think that sex is just for men pleasure and they use women to get sex. Women think that men do not care how they feel.
It is natural to feel bad about having sexual desire problems. Most people believe sexual desire is automatic in healthy people who love each other. At first glance, this seems like a healthy, enlightened attitude.
Even if you think that you both in love then it not mean that your woman enjoys sex or satisfied. Her body is there but mind somewhere else.
Do you know that, around only 25 percent women achieve orgasm from sex? It is all because emotional intimacy is not present in relationships these days.
Lets have a look that how you can make her entire body quiver with pleasure with 10 minutes daily.
Be a MAN, Give surprise to your partner and change the way you are. Remember how you both met first time? It is not your partner fault; it is yours that you changed yourself in relationship.
Adopt the mindset, attitude and feelings of a Great Lover.
Do wild love making sessions. Make her orgasm. If you can give your girl orgasm then she will chase you all her life.
Create space, be socially active, Keep you words, Master your body language and adopt the qualities of a MAN.
Give specific compliments. Give gifts without any occasion. Surprise her with creative dates. Be a fun loving guy, Make her laugh.
Always have some mystery in you. Keep her introducing with new areas of your wonderful life. This thing will keep on building emotional intimacy and develop attraction as well.
Keep on learning something new. Guitar, Piano, Boating, Fishing, Magic, Tennis and shooting etc. Then surprise your partner with your quality on some great moment. She will love you for it and run behind to reveal your mystery.
If you active all these qualities and give 10 minutes of your day to learn them plus if you give her wonderful out of this world sexual experience then she will do everything in her power to keep you.
Creating emotional intimacy in relationship is all in your hands now... Not only by your dominant manly traits, you have to learn the art of doing wild love making with you partner in order to keep the heat in your relationship.
Now you can learn the secrets of female instruments. Be her best lover and take your love life to expert level with these []Wild Love Making guides.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Emotional Intimacy in your relationships and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Emotional Intimacy (10 Minutes a Day)
By []Chris Walez
Everyone desires to be in love because it feels fantastic. Being in love creates activity in the brain that sends little electrical impulses through out our bodies, making us feel all incredible. The problem is that for most couples being in love almost never lasts forever. Many people are not judicious when they are in love, and some have an inclination to suffer deep depression if the relationship ends. It is all because lack of emotional intimacy in relationships.
Many women think that sex is just for men pleasure and they use women to get sex. Women think that men do not care how they feel.
It is natural to feel bad about having sexual desire problems. Most people believe sexual desire is automatic in healthy people who love each other. At first glance, this seems like a healthy, enlightened attitude.
Even if you think that you both in love then it not mean that your woman enjoys sex or satisfied. Her body is there but mind somewhere else.
Do you know that, around only 25 percent women achieve orgasm from sex? It is all because emotional intimacy is not present in relationships these days.
Lets have a look that how you can make her entire body quiver with pleasure with 10 minutes daily.
Be a MAN, Give surprise to your partner and change the way you are. Remember how you both met first time? It is not your partner fault; it is yours that you changed yourself in relationship.
Adopt the mindset, attitude and feelings of a Great Lover.
Do wild love making sessions. Make her orgasm. If you can give your girl orgasm then she will chase you all her life.
Create space, be socially active, Keep you words, Master your body language and adopt the qualities of a MAN.
Give specific compliments. Give gifts without any occasion. Surprise her with creative dates. Be a fun loving guy, Make her laugh.
Always have some mystery in you. Keep her introducing with new areas of your wonderful life. This thing will keep on building emotional intimacy and develop attraction as well.
Keep on learning something new. Guitar, Piano, Boating, Fishing, Magic, Tennis and shooting etc. Then surprise your partner with your quality on some great moment. She will love you for it and run behind to reveal your mystery.
If you active all these qualities and give 10 minutes of your day to learn them plus if you give her wonderful out of this world sexual experience then she will do everything in her power to keep you.
Creating emotional intimacy in relationship is all in your hands now... Not only by your dominant manly traits, you have to learn the art of doing wild love making with you partner in order to keep the heat in your relationship.
Now you can learn the secrets of female instruments. Be her best lover and take your love life to expert level with these []Wild Love Making guides.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Emotional Intimacy in your relationships and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Emotional Intimacy (10 Minutes a Day)
Long Distance Romance (Maintaining a Relationship)
Long Distance Romance (Maintaining a Relationship)
By []Chris Walez
Long Distance Relationships can be a wonderful and exciting way to merge important things with a meaningful and committed relationship. This article will help you learn more about how to keep your long distance relationship happy, healthy and exciting.
It is important with a long distance relationship (LDR) to keep the other person feeling as if they are the most important part of your life. From start of the relationship, Long distance couples have several opportunities to learn and grow together; even same city couples who have dated for years not have such opportunities.
Let me assure you that Long distance relationships really do work.
You believe it or not but I am the living example of having LDR for about five and a half year and we met only twice in this half decade. Now we are together, married and have two wonderful kids.
I know plenty of you not going to believe this but still people who believe me I share with you few secrets that helped me having a successful LDR moreover still intimacy and heat keep on increasing after marriage and two kids.
No doubts, Long distance romance or Long distance relationship is difficult-sometimes nearly impossible. But with a little creativity and child like play sense even long distance romance is becomes easier.
1. Biggest Mistake: The biggest mistake people make in LDR is they not focus on their career and future. They just keep sitting and wondering when time will come and they get together. In this mistake, they end up by standing at the same position where they were few years back.
Focus on your career and it will help you both be together. Do not be a looser, be a successful MAN and then show up in front of your love.
2. Creative Strategies: Learn Learn and Learn. Learn the art of being greatest lover, Learn new things like piano, guitar and magic etc., Learn art of communication, Be fun loving guy, Make her laugh, Invent new things, Discover extra ordinary news, Share interesting things, Keep emotional intimacy alive, do online photo sharing, Set goals together and then achieve them, Phone sex, Web cams, Make same tattoo on each other bodies, Give some gift so your partner can miss you (it can be blanket, sweater, anklet) Use creative strategies for long distance romance.
You can learn some language together also... Adopt the traits of successful Man and then use all these strategies and I guarantee you... You will become the greatest lover.
3. Sexual Intimacy: This is the most important part of any type of relationship. This is where the reality comes in and most of the men get fail.
Learn the art of giving your woman orgasm whenever you meet. It will not only keep the intimacy alive but also your girl will see you as greatest lover. If you satisfy her and please her sexually and fulfill her fantasies by giving her orgasms then believe me she will chase you for entire her life.
Even after getting married this thing will keep the emotional intimacy in relationship alive. You can get plenty of romantic ideas but when it comes to sex, only 25 percent of women say that they had an orgasm and it is the main reason that women cheat. You have to master the art of long distance romance in order to have happy relationship.
Do wild love making, dominate her, fulfill fantasies, Discover new fantastic things and fill her life with happiness and pleasure.
Now you can learn the secrets of female instruments. Be her best lover and take your love life to expert level with these []Wild Love Making guides.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Emotional Intimacy in your relationships and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Long Distance Romance (Maintaining a Relationship)
By []Chris Walez
Long Distance Relationships can be a wonderful and exciting way to merge important things with a meaningful and committed relationship. This article will help you learn more about how to keep your long distance relationship happy, healthy and exciting.
It is important with a long distance relationship (LDR) to keep the other person feeling as if they are the most important part of your life. From start of the relationship, Long distance couples have several opportunities to learn and grow together; even same city couples who have dated for years not have such opportunities.
Let me assure you that Long distance relationships really do work.
You believe it or not but I am the living example of having LDR for about five and a half year and we met only twice in this half decade. Now we are together, married and have two wonderful kids.
I know plenty of you not going to believe this but still people who believe me I share with you few secrets that helped me having a successful LDR moreover still intimacy and heat keep on increasing after marriage and two kids.
No doubts, Long distance romance or Long distance relationship is difficult-sometimes nearly impossible. But with a little creativity and child like play sense even long distance romance is becomes easier.
1. Biggest Mistake: The biggest mistake people make in LDR is they not focus on their career and future. They just keep sitting and wondering when time will come and they get together. In this mistake, they end up by standing at the same position where they were few years back.
Focus on your career and it will help you both be together. Do not be a looser, be a successful MAN and then show up in front of your love.
2. Creative Strategies: Learn Learn and Learn. Learn the art of being greatest lover, Learn new things like piano, guitar and magic etc., Learn art of communication, Be fun loving guy, Make her laugh, Invent new things, Discover extra ordinary news, Share interesting things, Keep emotional intimacy alive, do online photo sharing, Set goals together and then achieve them, Phone sex, Web cams, Make same tattoo on each other bodies, Give some gift so your partner can miss you (it can be blanket, sweater, anklet) Use creative strategies for long distance romance.
You can learn some language together also... Adopt the traits of successful Man and then use all these strategies and I guarantee you... You will become the greatest lover.
3. Sexual Intimacy: This is the most important part of any type of relationship. This is where the reality comes in and most of the men get fail.
Learn the art of giving your woman orgasm whenever you meet. It will not only keep the intimacy alive but also your girl will see you as greatest lover. If you satisfy her and please her sexually and fulfill her fantasies by giving her orgasms then believe me she will chase you for entire her life.
Even after getting married this thing will keep the emotional intimacy in relationship alive. You can get plenty of romantic ideas but when it comes to sex, only 25 percent of women say that they had an orgasm and it is the main reason that women cheat. You have to master the art of long distance romance in order to have happy relationship.
Do wild love making, dominate her, fulfill fantasies, Discover new fantastic things and fill her life with happiness and pleasure.
Now you can learn the secrets of female instruments. Be her best lover and take your love life to expert level with these []Wild Love Making guides.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Emotional Intimacy in your relationships and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Long Distance Romance (Maintaining a Relationship)
Making Relationships Work - Sizzling Ideas
Making Relationships Work - Sizzling Ideas
By []Chris Walez
For making relationships work, you need to heat up excitement and warm feelings. But these things fade away by time and lack companionship. In the beginning couples feel unusual because they start feeling intimacy, romance, happiness etc. but they fail to make their relationship work for long time, this is where argues and disinterest start growing.
You have to active and keep love in your relationship again. Maintain and keep on increasing the love feelings and romance in your love life. This is how you can make your relationship work if you aiming for long lasting love relationship. You need to understand feelings of your partner by developing strong emotional bond between both of you.
Here are few things which women desire in men.
1. Interesting, Fun loving.
2. Independent.
3. Emotionally strong.
4. Secure and confident.
5. Mysterious.
6. Stable, Self sufficient.
7. Good Natured.
No doubts, these are traits of a real Man...
Man is known as provider and hunter. He should have strength, ability, independence and endurance to establish happy environment for his family. Women do not want to hear from you that you are fearful or disappointed. She wants to hear about how much confident her MAN about his future, how he is taking care of everything and planning ahead, how he is protecting himself and his family, how he providing happiness and his efforts for making relationships work. Women admire and love all these qualities in men.
Love is the most important thing for a relationship. Both of you can balance the time you spend together on emotional and physical activities. Here are few romantic sizzling ideas which you can use to fire up your love life.
1. Learn the art of giving your woman orgasm. She will chase you entire her life if you give her orgasm every time you make love.
2. You have to strengthen the emotional bond with your partner first before physical activities.
3. Do wild love making with your partner. Satisfy completely.
4. Touch each other while communicating. Make your touch sensual. Hug and Kiss each other without any reason.
5. Surprise your partner by giving sexual massage.
6. Send her bouquets of flowers at work.
I believe that for making your relationships work you need to change yourself first. Active the manly traits in your life kill the boy personality and adopt manly traits. Not only this, you have to make yourself sexually attractive too.
You have to learn the sexual arts for making yourself Lion (sexual lion) of your jungle. Make your girl thrill with your manly traits and wild love making.
Learn the secrets of female instruments, be her best lover and take your love life to expert level with these []Wild Love Making guides.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Intimacy in your relationships and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Making Relationships Work - Sizzling Ideas
By []Chris Walez
For making relationships work, you need to heat up excitement and warm feelings. But these things fade away by time and lack companionship. In the beginning couples feel unusual because they start feeling intimacy, romance, happiness etc. but they fail to make their relationship work for long time, this is where argues and disinterest start growing.
You have to active and keep love in your relationship again. Maintain and keep on increasing the love feelings and romance in your love life. This is how you can make your relationship work if you aiming for long lasting love relationship. You need to understand feelings of your partner by developing strong emotional bond between both of you.
Here are few things which women desire in men.
1. Interesting, Fun loving.
2. Independent.
3. Emotionally strong.
4. Secure and confident.
5. Mysterious.
6. Stable, Self sufficient.
7. Good Natured.
No doubts, these are traits of a real Man...
Man is known as provider and hunter. He should have strength, ability, independence and endurance to establish happy environment for his family. Women do not want to hear from you that you are fearful or disappointed. She wants to hear about how much confident her MAN about his future, how he is taking care of everything and planning ahead, how he is protecting himself and his family, how he providing happiness and his efforts for making relationships work. Women admire and love all these qualities in men.
Love is the most important thing for a relationship. Both of you can balance the time you spend together on emotional and physical activities. Here are few romantic sizzling ideas which you can use to fire up your love life.
1. Learn the art of giving your woman orgasm. She will chase you entire her life if you give her orgasm every time you make love.
2. You have to strengthen the emotional bond with your partner first before physical activities.
3. Do wild love making with your partner. Satisfy completely.
4. Touch each other while communicating. Make your touch sensual. Hug and Kiss each other without any reason.
5. Surprise your partner by giving sexual massage.
6. Send her bouquets of flowers at work.
I believe that for making your relationships work you need to change yourself first. Active the manly traits in your life kill the boy personality and adopt manly traits. Not only this, you have to make yourself sexually attractive too.
You have to learn the sexual arts for making yourself Lion (sexual lion) of your jungle. Make your girl thrill with your manly traits and wild love making.
Learn the secrets of female instruments, be her best lover and take your love life to expert level with these []Wild Love Making guides.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Intimacy in your relationships and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Making Relationships Work - Sizzling Ideas
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Dominant Traits - Manliness
Dominant Traits - Manliness
By []Chris WalezManliness is created by GOD to be passionate, wonderful and exciting. This may come as surprise to you that majority of males personality falls into boyish category. Their body language, voice tonality, nice guy attitude type things are disappointed and lack of self esteem for women.
From women point of view, Dominant traits are defined as positive body language, success, energy and strong identity. Though you can master and learn all of them but when it comes to sex, almost every man get fail in it because they not have idea on how to dominate their sex life. Manliness is not about single thing, you have to master everything in order to dominate your life because man with successful traits is KING.
He is active and holds charge of his life
Surrounds himself with successful people
He is excited every morning for what the day has in store for him
Great with people (sociable interesting person)
Lead people in successful manner
He is relaxed, confident and decisive
Keeps his words
Sexually attractive
Most of the people make woman giggle but still they fail to generate super attraction. If you active these above traits in your life and after that make girl laugh then the super attraction will make the girl think to herself "I want to do sex with this guy".
Women need to feel your Masculinity. She needs to feel that if she is alone with you, she would be in danger to have wild sex with you. This sexual presence creates super attraction and projects your manliness to women.
There are several ways to dominate her sexually.
Make her stand on feet and enter her from back. This sex position makes woman think like she is being ravished by strong man
Many times women love to be ravished by a sexual beast. Skip foreplay and provide her mindless sex pleasure.
Take her in your arms, carry her to bed/couch and you will turn her on way more then putting your hand inside her pant.
Your masculine presence while lovemaking makes her feel your maleness which is the same feeling as being aware of her femininity. She will start to open into a more sexual mood.
Roughly grab her by arms, legs or whatever body part but do not tell her and forcefully manhandle her into next position you want.
Girls go crazy when you pull their hairs back, stand behind them, kiss/sucks their necks and whisper dirty words in their ears.
By these few dominant traits, you can make girls go wild by experiencing best lover ever. When anticipation leads the sexual tension in right way then instruments of woman gives the loveliest and wildest melody.
Learn the secrets of female instruments, be her best lover and take your love life to expert level with these []Wild Love Making guides.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Intimacy in your relationships and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Dominant Traits - Manliness
Intimacy in Relationships (Women Desires Revealed)
Intimacy in Relationships (Women Desires Revealed)
By []Chris Walez
In this Article, Intimacy in relationships may come as a surprise to you because from a man point of view, oral sex or only sex is intimacy. Of course WRONG. Never think about intimacy in this way.
Intimacy in relationships is all about understanding the female you approaching. In your relationship you have to know about what she feeling, thinking, her responses and what turns her on etc. These are extremely important points for building up intimacy in your relationship.
"Birth of Intimacy is in emotional state".
You have to focus your woman emotional state first in order to fire up your sex life. Lets talk about few tips for creating intimacy in relationships.
Discuss things with your partner rather then dictating your sex life.
Focus on emotional intimacy first. Then go for physical intimacy.
Explore new fantastic things in your sexual life together.
Make it all about your woman pleasure. After that you will get best in return.
Sometimes people have nothing in their minds but sex and its true in some cases but for quickies (Again, if you both have strong emotional bond then quickies will do a charm in your relationship) But if you want to fire things up all around your home then you can get your wife thinking about you that what has to come then you are in for a wonderful amount of fun.
Recently, I was reading what women want survey and I was pretty amaze at those results. 68 percent of women said that they wish they were having MORE sex. But wait. Its all because lack of intimacy in relationships and you have to master and create intimacy so you can have healthy wonderful relationship with your wife. So lets have a look on what women want from men or think.
1. Pinning HER against the wall for long make-out session is the no.1 fantastic seduction move.
2. They want their man to ask them to pose naked.
3. Women desire sexual fantasies as much as men do.
4. She prefers wild love making.
5. Women want men to dominate them sexually.
6. Loves much kissed by you in front of her friends.
7. They want you talk dirty to them in bed.
See... If you active these few tip then you can create intimacy in your relationship and surprise your spouse. Love, Intimacy, Sex and Relationship... none of these can happen without emotional connection between two people. So for having wild love making sessions and intimacy in your relationship you need to strengthen emotional connection with your partner first.
By these few initial tips and surveys result, you can make your wife go wild by experiencing best lover ever. When anticipation leads the sexual tension in right way then instruments of woman gives the loveliest and wildest melody.
Learn the secrets of female instruments, be her best lover and take your love life to expert level with these []Wild Love Making guides.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Intimacy in your relationships and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Intimacy in Relationships (Women Desires Revealed)
By []Chris Walez
In this Article, Intimacy in relationships may come as a surprise to you because from a man point of view, oral sex or only sex is intimacy. Of course WRONG. Never think about intimacy in this way.
Intimacy in relationships is all about understanding the female you approaching. In your relationship you have to know about what she feeling, thinking, her responses and what turns her on etc. These are extremely important points for building up intimacy in your relationship.
"Birth of Intimacy is in emotional state".
You have to focus your woman emotional state first in order to fire up your sex life. Lets talk about few tips for creating intimacy in relationships.
Discuss things with your partner rather then dictating your sex life.
Focus on emotional intimacy first. Then go for physical intimacy.
Explore new fantastic things in your sexual life together.
Make it all about your woman pleasure. After that you will get best in return.
Sometimes people have nothing in their minds but sex and its true in some cases but for quickies (Again, if you both have strong emotional bond then quickies will do a charm in your relationship) But if you want to fire things up all around your home then you can get your wife thinking about you that what has to come then you are in for a wonderful amount of fun.
Recently, I was reading what women want survey and I was pretty amaze at those results. 68 percent of women said that they wish they were having MORE sex. But wait. Its all because lack of intimacy in relationships and you have to master and create intimacy so you can have healthy wonderful relationship with your wife. So lets have a look on what women want from men or think.
1. Pinning HER against the wall for long make-out session is the no.1 fantastic seduction move.
2. They want their man to ask them to pose naked.
3. Women desire sexual fantasies as much as men do.
4. She prefers wild love making.
5. Women want men to dominate them sexually.
6. Loves much kissed by you in front of her friends.
7. They want you talk dirty to them in bed.
See... If you active these few tip then you can create intimacy in your relationship and surprise your spouse. Love, Intimacy, Sex and Relationship... none of these can happen without emotional connection between two people. So for having wild love making sessions and intimacy in your relationship you need to strengthen emotional connection with your partner first.
By these few initial tips and surveys result, you can make your wife go wild by experiencing best lover ever. When anticipation leads the sexual tension in right way then instruments of woman gives the loveliest and wildest melody.
Learn the secrets of female instruments, be her best lover and take your love life to expert level with these []Wild Love Making guides.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you. Create Intimacy in your relationships and []Change Your Life forever.
Article Source: [] Intimacy in Relationships (Women Desires Revealed)
Love Your Wife (Wonderful Tips)
Love Your Wife (Wonderful Tips)
By []Chris Walez
A husband is also known as a provider. In a relationship, a husband is a person who has to provide love, stability, affirmation, sex, intimacy in romance, etc... One of husbands biggest problem is Loosing Excitement in relationship and become completely pointless about how to love his wife.
Here are few things which play a major role in creating distance between couples.
1. Less Excitement
2. Boring Sex Life
3. Lack of Romance
4. No Attraction
If you put affirmations in all these four points then your life will be fantastic. Lets talk about affirmations of these points and tips which you can apply for loving your wife. She definitely is going to love you for this change.
Most of husbands not have any idea what they want from their relationship or they not even taken minutes to seriously consider about this issue. You have to aim for something in order to make your wife happy and feel loved. Focus on most important key areas of your life and excitement in your relationship will instantly build up.
Relationship with your wife
Money matters of your family
Personal Development
Time, Time and Time for your family and loving wife (go on first point again)
Once you focus on these points and effort positively on them then you will be surprised by wonderful changes in your life. These new changes in you will be loved by your wife. Keep things exciting.
You must have to learn the art of giving your wife orgasm. Make your sex life full of passion and wild that you become the Lion of your home. I recommend you giving your partner at least 2 orgasms before she please you. It shows five things,
Your sexual desires are controlled by you
Boredom changed into passionate bedroom
After orgasm she will be ready and provide her best abilities to please you
You become the Lion who knows to dominate his territory
Your wife will be emotionally ready for having orgasm during intercourse
Give your wife occasional small gifts (candies, chocolates, scarf, romance novel, magazines) be Creative
Remember... When was the last time you given your wife flowers? Give it NOW
Give her Lingerie (gift) and playfully play fantasy game. Be as naughty as you can.
Make tattoo on each other body after love making session
Spread Romance all around you. Be wild Romantic Man of your wife.
Now here is the most important point which creates trouble in relationships and vanishes as soon as possible between couple. You have to make yourself attractive again.
Master body language
Be fun loving person
Stay MAN. Do not turn into boy
Respect your wife
Surround yourself with Happiness
One bullet point:
"In order to keep yourself interesting, for your wife/girl, make something other your passion rather then females"
This thing in your personality shows you as passionate person and females, your girl or your wife, love passionate person. Keep attraction alive by doing these few things...
By these few initial tips you can make your wife go wild by experiencing best lover ever. When anticipation leads the sexual tension in right way then instruments of woman gives the loveliest and wildest melody.
Learn the secrets of female instruments, be her best lover and take your love life to expert level with these []Virtuoso Lover Series.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you with these new []Wild Romantic Guides.
Article Source: [] Love Your Wife (Wonderful Tips)
By []Chris Walez
A husband is also known as a provider. In a relationship, a husband is a person who has to provide love, stability, affirmation, sex, intimacy in romance, etc... One of husbands biggest problem is Loosing Excitement in relationship and become completely pointless about how to love his wife.
Here are few things which play a major role in creating distance between couples.
1. Less Excitement
2. Boring Sex Life
3. Lack of Romance
4. No Attraction
If you put affirmations in all these four points then your life will be fantastic. Lets talk about affirmations of these points and tips which you can apply for loving your wife. She definitely is going to love you for this change.
Most of husbands not have any idea what they want from their relationship or they not even taken minutes to seriously consider about this issue. You have to aim for something in order to make your wife happy and feel loved. Focus on most important key areas of your life and excitement in your relationship will instantly build up.
Relationship with your wife
Money matters of your family
Personal Development
Time, Time and Time for your family and loving wife (go on first point again)
Once you focus on these points and effort positively on them then you will be surprised by wonderful changes in your life. These new changes in you will be loved by your wife. Keep things exciting.
You must have to learn the art of giving your wife orgasm. Make your sex life full of passion and wild that you become the Lion of your home. I recommend you giving your partner at least 2 orgasms before she please you. It shows five things,
Your sexual desires are controlled by you
Boredom changed into passionate bedroom
After orgasm she will be ready and provide her best abilities to please you
You become the Lion who knows to dominate his territory
Your wife will be emotionally ready for having orgasm during intercourse
Give your wife occasional small gifts (candies, chocolates, scarf, romance novel, magazines) be Creative
Remember... When was the last time you given your wife flowers? Give it NOW
Give her Lingerie (gift) and playfully play fantasy game. Be as naughty as you can.
Make tattoo on each other body after love making session
Spread Romance all around you. Be wild Romantic Man of your wife.
Now here is the most important point which creates trouble in relationships and vanishes as soon as possible between couple. You have to make yourself attractive again.
Master body language
Be fun loving person
Stay MAN. Do not turn into boy
Respect your wife
Surround yourself with Happiness
One bullet point:
"In order to keep yourself interesting, for your wife/girl, make something other your passion rather then females"
This thing in your personality shows you as passionate person and females, your girl or your wife, love passionate person. Keep attraction alive by doing these few things...
By these few initial tips you can make your wife go wild by experiencing best lover ever. When anticipation leads the sexual tension in right way then instruments of woman gives the loveliest and wildest melody.
Learn the secrets of female instruments, be her best lover and take your love life to expert level with these []Virtuoso Lover Series.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you with these new []Wild Romantic Guides.
Article Source: [] Love Your Wife (Wonderful Tips)
Best Female Orgasm
Best Female Orgasm
By []Chris Walez
One person asked a great explorer that what exploration he enjoyed the most. His answer was "Female Orgasm".
While I was writing here few tips I want to make sure that I must focus emotional estate of females before we enter in this orgasmic world.
There are two kinds of emotions. Positive emotions that is good. Negative emotions that is destructive. Negative emotions worry, stubbornness, anger, selfishness disappears when they meet the positive emotions of loyalty, kindness, power, respect and most important Love. Positive thinking and emotions are based on love and faith therefore if you provide positive emotional state to your woman then achieving best female orgasm will be much easier for you.
Lets come on the basics of female orgasm
1. A woman should be completely relaxed and feel loved to have a volcanic orgasm.
2. Sexual Tension should always be present.
3. Relax her by giving massage or having bath together.
4. Add anticipation in order to make her more arouse.
5. Use several thrusting styles.
6. Perfect your oral expertise.
You can build up anticipation in several ways before you go for oral. Softly press her boobs, rubs her thighs so softly with your finger tips, take her in your lap and softly press and warm her feet, suck her ear lobes while whispering and talking dirty to her, Give her compliment on her body parts but please stay specific while giving compliments. For instance, I love your curves baby, you got stormy eyes, and your body is like thunder. Give her small real compliments, make her feel special and she will love you for it.
Powerful anticipation release the sexual tension inform of earth shattering orgasm. You can make her more arouse by giving her oral. Before jumping on her vagina, kiss her inner thighs, under her belly button, kiss her knees while pressing her calves softly, kiss her feet, love and lick her vagina and clitoris while rubbing outside of her thighs(this will drive her crazy).
Have patience. Enjoy it like having fun, explore it and make her go wild.
Always remember. Give her clitoral orgasm at least two times before giving her vaginal orgasm. You can make her squirt by moving your tongue tip in circular motion around her clitoris or do horizontal and vertical licks and sucks on her clitoris. After giving clitoral orgasm you can go for teasing her G spot. Vaginal orgasms need to time to get aroused so its always better to go for clitoral orgasm initially and keep her on her toes. Be the hurricane of your woman.
By these few basic tips you can make your woman/girl go wild by experiencing best orgasm ever. When anticipation leads the sexual tension in right way then instruments of woman gives the loveliest and wildest melody.
Learn the secrets of female instruments and be her sex GOD with these []Virtuoso Lover Series.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you with these []Love Making Guides.
Article Source: [] Best Female Orgasm
By []Chris Walez
One person asked a great explorer that what exploration he enjoyed the most. His answer was "Female Orgasm".
While I was writing here few tips I want to make sure that I must focus emotional estate of females before we enter in this orgasmic world.
There are two kinds of emotions. Positive emotions that is good. Negative emotions that is destructive. Negative emotions worry, stubbornness, anger, selfishness disappears when they meet the positive emotions of loyalty, kindness, power, respect and most important Love. Positive thinking and emotions are based on love and faith therefore if you provide positive emotional state to your woman then achieving best female orgasm will be much easier for you.
Lets come on the basics of female orgasm
1. A woman should be completely relaxed and feel loved to have a volcanic orgasm.
2. Sexual Tension should always be present.
3. Relax her by giving massage or having bath together.
4. Add anticipation in order to make her more arouse.
5. Use several thrusting styles.
6. Perfect your oral expertise.
You can build up anticipation in several ways before you go for oral. Softly press her boobs, rubs her thighs so softly with your finger tips, take her in your lap and softly press and warm her feet, suck her ear lobes while whispering and talking dirty to her, Give her compliment on her body parts but please stay specific while giving compliments. For instance, I love your curves baby, you got stormy eyes, and your body is like thunder. Give her small real compliments, make her feel special and she will love you for it.
Powerful anticipation release the sexual tension inform of earth shattering orgasm. You can make her more arouse by giving her oral. Before jumping on her vagina, kiss her inner thighs, under her belly button, kiss her knees while pressing her calves softly, kiss her feet, love and lick her vagina and clitoris while rubbing outside of her thighs(this will drive her crazy).
Have patience. Enjoy it like having fun, explore it and make her go wild.
Always remember. Give her clitoral orgasm at least two times before giving her vaginal orgasm. You can make her squirt by moving your tongue tip in circular motion around her clitoris or do horizontal and vertical licks and sucks on her clitoris. After giving clitoral orgasm you can go for teasing her G spot. Vaginal orgasms need to time to get aroused so its always better to go for clitoral orgasm initially and keep her on her toes. Be the hurricane of your woman.
By these few basic tips you can make your woman/girl go wild by experiencing best orgasm ever. When anticipation leads the sexual tension in right way then instruments of woman gives the loveliest and wildest melody.
Learn the secrets of female instruments and be her sex GOD with these []Virtuoso Lover Series.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you with these []Love Making Guides.
Article Source: [] Best Female Orgasm
Monday, March 8, 2010
How to Please a Woman
How to Please a Woman
By []Chris Walez
Pleasing a woman is based on several factors which everyone should master. People often attempt to have a very special woman in their lives but after getting her they do not get how to keep her interested in them. You can approach women and talk to them but when it comes to satisfying them or keeping interested, this is where most men fail.
But good news is this - It indeed is not that hard.
Keeping any woman interested in you requires multiple things to master. You can get romantic tips, openers, approaching ideas from everywhere but when it comes to pleasing a woman for long term or even entire life, you need to be and do different.
There are two initial points on which you should focus on.
These both factors are the necessity of healthy relationship. You need to maintain these both things for your life in order to become a greatest lover and greatest man. Let's talk about each of them one by one.
How to please women? Many people think about it and search about this to get a satisfy answer but they do terrible mistake by being romantic.
When it comes to attracting a woman or keeping the attraction in your relationship you need to change yourself first. So, the first thing you have to do is to change your self. Here are the few basic points you need to focus on.
Master your body language. (Watch superstars and wrestlers)
Master two things.
Actions and Expressions of Superstars
Walking and Calm movements of wrestlers... Specially master the depth of wrestlers' voice.
Never give the gift or romance with your woman till then she makes herself deserve for it. Romance with your woman when she is not expecting it. Like, give her flowers some day, bring candy for her, make coffee or tea for your woman when you think she really needs it. But again, do it when you think she deserves it. Be a man. Do not flop at this point by being a nice boy. BE A MAN while romancing with your woman.
Adopt the qualities and acts of successful man. Your woman/girl/wife will love you for it for all her life.
Lets keep this fairly simple.
1. "Carry yourself in a confident successful manner with positive attitude and ambiance".
2. "Maximize the power of your expressions and touch her in friendly way during interaction".
If you apply these two points in your life then your woman and every other female will see you as sexually active man and try to chase you.
Yours these attitudes show that you are a lion of this jungle and a MAN every girl dream about. So kill your boyish attitude and be a Man by following these few guidelines.
Learn the secrets of female instruments and be her sex GOD with these []Virtuoso Lover Series.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you by []Clicking Here.
Article Source: [] How to Please a Woman
By []Chris Walez
Pleasing a woman is based on several factors which everyone should master. People often attempt to have a very special woman in their lives but after getting her they do not get how to keep her interested in them. You can approach women and talk to them but when it comes to satisfying them or keeping interested, this is where most men fail.
But good news is this - It indeed is not that hard.
Keeping any woman interested in you requires multiple things to master. You can get romantic tips, openers, approaching ideas from everywhere but when it comes to pleasing a woman for long term or even entire life, you need to be and do different.
There are two initial points on which you should focus on.
These both factors are the necessity of healthy relationship. You need to maintain these both things for your life in order to become a greatest lover and greatest man. Let's talk about each of them one by one.
How to please women? Many people think about it and search about this to get a satisfy answer but they do terrible mistake by being romantic.
When it comes to attracting a woman or keeping the attraction in your relationship you need to change yourself first. So, the first thing you have to do is to change your self. Here are the few basic points you need to focus on.
Master your body language. (Watch superstars and wrestlers)
Master two things.
Actions and Expressions of Superstars
Walking and Calm movements of wrestlers... Specially master the depth of wrestlers' voice.
Never give the gift or romance with your woman till then she makes herself deserve for it. Romance with your woman when she is not expecting it. Like, give her flowers some day, bring candy for her, make coffee or tea for your woman when you think she really needs it. But again, do it when you think she deserves it. Be a man. Do not flop at this point by being a nice boy. BE A MAN while romancing with your woman.
Adopt the qualities and acts of successful man. Your woman/girl/wife will love you for it for all her life.
Lets keep this fairly simple.
1. "Carry yourself in a confident successful manner with positive attitude and ambiance".
2. "Maximize the power of your expressions and touch her in friendly way during interaction".
If you apply these two points in your life then your woman and every other female will see you as sexually active man and try to chase you.
Yours these attitudes show that you are a lion of this jungle and a MAN every girl dream about. So kill your boyish attitude and be a Man by following these few guidelines.
Learn the secrets of female instruments and be her sex GOD with these []Virtuoso Lover Series.
Learn the in-depth secrets and make your girl/wife/woman drool over you by []Clicking Here.
Article Source: [] How to Please a Woman
Dominating Women
Dominating Women
By []Chris Walez
Dominating Women, Even women confess that dominating a woman is a lost art which leading man towards unhealthy relationships. These days most of men are ending them as "girlish men" and its all because they have lost their manliness.
Love and Romance is a door that opens the roads of healthy relationships but when it comes to sexuality men defeat their selves by being a nice guy.
Mark my words: "Every Woman Loves to Be Dominated Sexually"
If you remember and act on this sentence then she will think you as a sex GOD and run behind you to get your attention.
Have you ever noticed why women love reading romance novels? I answer you; its all because novels are filled with women fantasies. For instance; A dominant man saves her and pleasure her in a way that she start loving her life or He holds her hands and take her any where he wants then kiss her and she start resisting his touch then he holds her hands and start kissing her neck and the rest is history. He fulfills her fantasy and become a sex GOD for her.
Now lets come to those fantasies/dreams which women want from men.
Erotic Dreams and fantasies secret of women:
1. Women love those men who dominate them sexually.
2. Women think of a man as protector and provider.
3. Ravish her with love and she will keep on chasing you for entire her life.
4. Be decisive: Hold her hands and introduce her with new wonderful life of yours.
5. Girls love to be seduced by man. Not boy. So be a MAN.
She is not crazy... She is Woman. The only thing is that Man are crazy by being girlish and forgotten his manliness. Once you be a man and satisfy her sexually then she will also love being with you.
A minor change in you can bring lots of happiness in relationship. Be the Lion of bedroom and hunt the jungle with your lioness. Make your woman orgasm and make her beg more and more from you every time. Think about it, if sex with you is boring and not wonderful then you will repel each and every woman of this world.
If you satisfy her and provide her wonderful stormy sexual experience then she will do everything to keep you forever with her.
According to research, only 25 percent women achieve orgasm. Love and romance is the first step of relationship. You can get zillions of tips on romance but when it comes to sex and lovemaking you need to learn everything to dominate woman and be the Lion who make her whole body quiver with pleasure.
You have to discover and master the sex secrets for becoming a Virtuoso Lover. Whether you are a seasoned lover or do not have much experience in it, Does not matter.
You can find sex secrets from the combined wisdom of 100 years in these trios []Virtuoso Lover Series.
Be the best ever lover and MAN of her life. Provide her. Dominate her by []Clicking Here.
Article Source: [] Dominating Women
By []Chris Walez
Dominating Women, Even women confess that dominating a woman is a lost art which leading man towards unhealthy relationships. These days most of men are ending them as "girlish men" and its all because they have lost their manliness.
Love and Romance is a door that opens the roads of healthy relationships but when it comes to sexuality men defeat their selves by being a nice guy.
Mark my words: "Every Woman Loves to Be Dominated Sexually"
If you remember and act on this sentence then she will think you as a sex GOD and run behind you to get your attention.
Have you ever noticed why women love reading romance novels? I answer you; its all because novels are filled with women fantasies. For instance; A dominant man saves her and pleasure her in a way that she start loving her life or He holds her hands and take her any where he wants then kiss her and she start resisting his touch then he holds her hands and start kissing her neck and the rest is history. He fulfills her fantasy and become a sex GOD for her.
Now lets come to those fantasies/dreams which women want from men.
Erotic Dreams and fantasies secret of women:
1. Women love those men who dominate them sexually.
2. Women think of a man as protector and provider.
3. Ravish her with love and she will keep on chasing you for entire her life.
4. Be decisive: Hold her hands and introduce her with new wonderful life of yours.
5. Girls love to be seduced by man. Not boy. So be a MAN.
She is not crazy... She is Woman. The only thing is that Man are crazy by being girlish and forgotten his manliness. Once you be a man and satisfy her sexually then she will also love being with you.
A minor change in you can bring lots of happiness in relationship. Be the Lion of bedroom and hunt the jungle with your lioness. Make your woman orgasm and make her beg more and more from you every time. Think about it, if sex with you is boring and not wonderful then you will repel each and every woman of this world.
If you satisfy her and provide her wonderful stormy sexual experience then she will do everything to keep you forever with her.
According to research, only 25 percent women achieve orgasm. Love and romance is the first step of relationship. You can get zillions of tips on romance but when it comes to sex and lovemaking you need to learn everything to dominate woman and be the Lion who make her whole body quiver with pleasure.
You have to discover and master the sex secrets for becoming a Virtuoso Lover. Whether you are a seasoned lover or do not have much experience in it, Does not matter.
You can find sex secrets from the combined wisdom of 100 years in these trios []Virtuoso Lover Series.
Be the best ever lover and MAN of her life. Provide her. Dominate her by []Clicking Here.
Article Source: [] Dominating Women
Romantic Things to Do
Romantic Things to Do
By []Chris Walez
Daily life romance, whether you want to accept it or not, is the necessity of a relationship. Romance is a deal towards a happy satisfied life. In order to get passionate love you need to find out tips to apply in your daily life with you partner. Love needs attention and romance fulfills that attention in millions of ways.
Lets have a look of romantic things to do at morning.
1. Wake up by kissing your wife/husband and whisper Good Morning in ear.
2. Kisses and Sucks with love on your partner cheeks, jaw and neck. Kiss eyes and especially kiss on forehead of your partner also because this act gives the feeling of love and protection.
3. Serve your partner juice, coffee, tea on bed and enjoy together on bed. (If you separate juice coffee and tea each day then you got three different morning with a little change)
4. Do 30 minutes exercise together or go for cycling and enjoy the adventure. (Good for health also)
5. Before leaving for the office. Give a long warm hug to each other and enjoy a few kisses.
If you apply only these five romantic or love making tips then your morning will become so beautiful and awesome. By changing little routine of your daily life, you add spice and opportunity for passionate love making.
• Guys buy a soft scarf type cloth printed with flowers (or colorful painting) and tie it softly on your partner belly, calve or arm so that she feels you like whole day you with her. So close to her.
• Girls give your guys ties, belts, painted shirts by your own hands or wallet with your picture in it.
These tips are only and only for morning love. By multiple romantic and love making ways you can make your morning different and interesting with your partner like,
Watch small interesting romantic documentary together.
Checkout featured news on yahoo!.
Play relaxation and love music in morning.
Decide together that which movie you both going to watch at night.
For 20 minutes read your own holy book with translation together and find out what GOD tells you. (It wont only add goods for you on the contrary, you will find out interesting things about history and future)
Do oral slowly on your sleeping partner.
See, by many romantic tips you can add energy and beauty in your morning. Make your whole life filled with love and take it to next level by these []Expert Love Making guides.
Make your partner think about you as best lover in this world and discover hottest secrets by []Clicking Here.
Article Source: [] Romantic Things to Do
By []Chris Walez
Daily life romance, whether you want to accept it or not, is the necessity of a relationship. Romance is a deal towards a happy satisfied life. In order to get passionate love you need to find out tips to apply in your daily life with you partner. Love needs attention and romance fulfills that attention in millions of ways.
Lets have a look of romantic things to do at morning.
1. Wake up by kissing your wife/husband and whisper Good Morning in ear.
2. Kisses and Sucks with love on your partner cheeks, jaw and neck. Kiss eyes and especially kiss on forehead of your partner also because this act gives the feeling of love and protection.
3. Serve your partner juice, coffee, tea on bed and enjoy together on bed. (If you separate juice coffee and tea each day then you got three different morning with a little change)
4. Do 30 minutes exercise together or go for cycling and enjoy the adventure. (Good for health also)
5. Before leaving for the office. Give a long warm hug to each other and enjoy a few kisses.
If you apply only these five romantic or love making tips then your morning will become so beautiful and awesome. By changing little routine of your daily life, you add spice and opportunity for passionate love making.
• Guys buy a soft scarf type cloth printed with flowers (or colorful painting) and tie it softly on your partner belly, calve or arm so that she feels you like whole day you with her. So close to her.
• Girls give your guys ties, belts, painted shirts by your own hands or wallet with your picture in it.
These tips are only and only for morning love. By multiple romantic and love making ways you can make your morning different and interesting with your partner like,
Watch small interesting romantic documentary together.
Checkout featured news on yahoo!.
Play relaxation and love music in morning.
Decide together that which movie you both going to watch at night.
For 20 minutes read your own holy book with translation together and find out what GOD tells you. (It wont only add goods for you on the contrary, you will find out interesting things about history and future)
Do oral slowly on your sleeping partner.
See, by many romantic tips you can add energy and beauty in your morning. Make your whole life filled with love and take it to next level by these []Expert Love Making guides.
Make your partner think about you as best lover in this world and discover hottest secrets by []Clicking Here.
Article Source: [] Romantic Things to Do
Wild Love Making (Fantastic Tips)
Wild Love Making (Fantastic Tips)
Love Making develops real fun and intimacy between couples. Lusty passion and intimacy in relationship should always be present in relationships because it increases the desire and bond the relationship stronger. Passionate sexual tips are like food for love and relationship that fulfills the desire of love in couples.
Romance should always be passionate plus love making tips must feel like fire burning love. Here I give you example. Which scene you admire most?
1. Rabbits doing love making.
2. Tigers and Lions doing love making.
Of course, 98 percent of you picked up mating of Tigers and Lions. Romance got its own place in relationship on daily basis but as far as HOT and PASSIONATE Love making you need to be Tiger.
We have to separate two things.
1. Feelings, Emotions and Romance in relationship.
2. Love making tips, Passion, Heat, Intimacy, and Wildness in relationship.
These two points are the basic needs of romantic relationship. Most of the people do mistakes in relationship by focusing on emotions and romance and by time low their interest in passionate sex which is as necessary as romance.
In this Article, I am going to share few Passionate Love making tips with you so that you have a passionate and wild week with you partner.
Wild Tips:
1. Enjoy chocolaty oral sex one by one and then have bath or shower together. (Naughty Shower)
2. Make Tattoo on each other body, when both of you nude, with a marker. (Butts, boobs, Curves, Arms, Legs, Ankle or you can be more Creative)
3. Give you partner some very erotic nick and call him/her by it. BE SPECIFIC. Like: "Tiger", you got "Stormy Stamina", Call your home or bedroom "Sex Canyon", Say your girl that she got "Lightning Body" which thrills you. Again, BE SPECIFIC.
Romance Tips:
1. Go out at some beach or suburb area, have corn, enjoy kisses come back while taking snaps of town and save those snaps in your diary and make that day memorable with love.
2. Give you partner (female) Anklet. It is a lost art but full of love and she going to love you for it plus by your own hands put anklet while kissing her ankle.
3. Write a love poem in your own words. It does not matter you good in it or you write stupid love poem but do it in your own words and put that poem paper in envelop and give your partner with instrumental love music CD.
I have given you few bullet romantic sexy points. You can make your week memorable and fiery by applying these passionate love making tips.
Why only a week? Change your whole life and relationship with these []Wild Romantic Guides.
Make your life and relationship beautiful and Energetic by Clicking Here.
Article Source: [] Wild Love Making (Fantastic Tips)
Love Making develops real fun and intimacy between couples. Lusty passion and intimacy in relationship should always be present in relationships because it increases the desire and bond the relationship stronger. Passionate sexual tips are like food for love and relationship that fulfills the desire of love in couples.
Romance should always be passionate plus love making tips must feel like fire burning love. Here I give you example. Which scene you admire most?
1. Rabbits doing love making.
2. Tigers and Lions doing love making.
Of course, 98 percent of you picked up mating of Tigers and Lions. Romance got its own place in relationship on daily basis but as far as HOT and PASSIONATE Love making you need to be Tiger.
We have to separate two things.
1. Feelings, Emotions and Romance in relationship.
2. Love making tips, Passion, Heat, Intimacy, and Wildness in relationship.
These two points are the basic needs of romantic relationship. Most of the people do mistakes in relationship by focusing on emotions and romance and by time low their interest in passionate sex which is as necessary as romance.
In this Article, I am going to share few Passionate Love making tips with you so that you have a passionate and wild week with you partner.
Wild Tips:
1. Enjoy chocolaty oral sex one by one and then have bath or shower together. (Naughty Shower)
2. Make Tattoo on each other body, when both of you nude, with a marker. (Butts, boobs, Curves, Arms, Legs, Ankle or you can be more Creative)
3. Give you partner some very erotic nick and call him/her by it. BE SPECIFIC. Like: "Tiger", you got "Stormy Stamina", Call your home or bedroom "Sex Canyon", Say your girl that she got "Lightning Body" which thrills you. Again, BE SPECIFIC.
Romance Tips:
1. Go out at some beach or suburb area, have corn, enjoy kisses come back while taking snaps of town and save those snaps in your diary and make that day memorable with love.
2. Give you partner (female) Anklet. It is a lost art but full of love and she going to love you for it plus by your own hands put anklet while kissing her ankle.
3. Write a love poem in your own words. It does not matter you good in it or you write stupid love poem but do it in your own words and put that poem paper in envelop and give your partner with instrumental love music CD.
I have given you few bullet romantic sexy points. You can make your week memorable and fiery by applying these passionate love making tips.
Why only a week? Change your whole life and relationship with these []Wild Romantic Guides.
Make your life and relationship beautiful and Energetic by Clicking Here.
Article Source: [] Wild Love Making (Fantastic Tips)
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